Anyone who has known me for very long will tell you that I am a perfectionist. Perfectionism has its good and bad angles. As a perfectionist, I do many things well and give 110% of my effort. On the other hand, I also procrastinate and often zero in on unimportant details. A couple days ago I was watching a webcast interview with Lysa Terkeurst, author of “Unglued.” One thing that Lysa kept saying really stuck with me: “Imperfect progress is still progress.” As I’ve worked my way through the 30-Day House Cleaning Challenge this month, I’ve made a lot of imperfect progress, but at least I’m still making progress!
Yesterday I had a really busy day, so I didn’t get around to cleaning at all. Today I decided to go back to Project #18, and clean out the refrigerator and freezer. As you can see, we have a crazy amount of frozen lemons and bags of breast milk. We also have two pies that were given to Brad at a men’s luncheon yesterday. Yummy! I wiped down every shelf, drawer, and wall in the refrigerator and freezer. I also managed to drop a bottle of salad dressing on Oliver’s big toe. Ouch!
Once I was done with the refrigerator, I went back to yesterday’s Project #25 and surface cleaned the rest of the kitchen. I wiped down most surfaces with a wet rag, Windexed the windows, put away art materials and magnets and toys, and threw the towels in the wash.
What is a project that you’ve been working on (or could be working on) that has required some imperfect progress?