Archive for the ‘Budgeting’ Category

What We Did Right When We Went $238,000 In Debt

I talk a lot about all the things Brad and I did wrong prior to reading Dave Ramsey and Crystal Paine in 2010, but I don’t talk a lot about all of the things we were doing right during those first four years of our marriage.  Despite the fact that we entered our first year […]

How to Find Encouragement When You Are Discouraged by Debt

On March 31, my husband received his monthly paycheck, and it was $510 less than usual.  We were not surprised, as we had been anticipating this hit for awhile, but it still hurts our budget.  We will be on reduced salary for the next several months until we can raise our ministry budget.  That same […]

Why You Need to Save $1000 For A Rainy Day

16 months ago the “Check Engine” light began glowing on our truck’s dashboard.  We paid a local mechanic $40 to run a diagnostic test, and he turned off the light, assuring us that our truck would be fine.  However, we would need to have the small problem fixed before our truck would pass its smog […]

Mvelopes: Online Envelope Budgeting

If you’ve been following The Abundant Wife for any length of time, you know that we have made great strides toward becoming debt-free.  Despite all our progress, I tend to get over-anxious and depressed about our finances. When Brad told me our December 31 paycheck would be 75% and subsequent paychecks would be lower if […]

Our Monthly Budget

Today we got talking about Dave Ramsey at the swimming pool (wait–isn’t that what you talk about the swimming pool?) and we started discussing budgets.  Brad and I have never had a “budget” in the traditional sense, but we do know how much money we make each month and what it is going to pay.  […]

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