Free Toddler Toys: Empty Plastic Canisters

Back in November I suggested some Free & Easy Toddler Toys, and among them were empty plastic canisters.  Recently I was eying my children’s kitchen set (itself a $20 yard sale purchase–thanks Mom!) and noting how many free toys they had.  Here below is some of their collection.

I love that these hardy little containers can take a beating when my children are playing with them, unlike some children’s toys.  I also love that when we accumulate too many, or they start to break, I can feel no guilt in throwing them away and replacing them with a “new” canister.

What kinds of free or recycled toys do your children enjoy using for play?

Frugal Organizing Tip: Sort Recipes in Recycled Envelopes

I was recently inspired by the Money Saving Mom’s Budget to get my home organized.  Although anyone who knows me could tell you that I am very organized person, I have my limits.  I’ve moved so many times that I often give the wrong address, state, and zip-code, so you can imagine that some aspects of my life have become a bit disorganized.  As I was looking for a recipe recently, I found myself digging through a file folder full of loose recipes, some of them copied more than once.

So I decided to organize my recipe folder.  I began by sorting the recipes into categories.  After looking over my piles (which by then covered the entire kitchen counter) I decided that I needed something to hold them.  I thought about gluing them to pages and putting them into a binder, but then settled on the simpler (if only temporary) solution of using envelopes.

As you can see, I opened the top flap of the envelope and labeled it with a pen.  Then I put them in an order that made sense to me.  When I was done, I slid them back in the file folder.  You would not believe how much easier it is for me to find the recipes I need now!  I am very pleased with this system.  Although I will probably outgrow it eventually, it works perfectly today.

Do you have any frugal organizing tips for your kitchen clutter?

Toddler Tuesday: Homemade Christmas Cards

One of the ways I often like to personalize things is with a homemade card.  For Christmas, we sent home two large flat-rate boxes filled with wrapped gifts.  Each gift had a free gift tag attached.  Inside each box I also included a homemade card with a short poem inside (written by yours truly).  Since Naomi isn’t quite old enough to create the cards herself, I created a very basic design for her, and then let her color and place stickers on them to her heart’s content.

The cards were created using red, green, and brown craft paper, scissors, colored pencils, crayons, and star stickers.  I also allowed Naomi to color all over the back of the flat-rate box, which she found very exciting.  I repeatedly set the cards and boxes on our dining room table (with the art supplies) over the course of a few days so that they would be covered in her artwork.

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, but the grandparents, aunts, and uncles were delighted to receive packages, wrapping paper, and cards covered in Naomi’s artwork. And Naomi was delighted to watch on Skype as they opened the items that she had colored for them!

How do you encourage your children to participate in gift-giving?

Decorating For Christmas On A Tight Budget

One of the sad parts about Christmas is that after the holiday is over, the decorations must come down.  I love decorating, but I can never justify spending a lot of money on decorations since they spend most of the year in a box.  So here are a few frugal decorating choices I made:

  1. I used ornaments for decorating.  I hung Brad’s grandparents’ ornaments on that little stick bouquet I made back in autumn.

  2. I recycled items for decorating.  I used  artificial greenery and Christmas balls that I once used in my classroom or at our house in Maryland.
  3. I mixed-and-matched items for decorating.  I took two nativity sets that were both missing pieces, and grouped them together to create a full set.
  4. I decorated with Christmas cards.  These ready-made Christmas decorations can be placed anywhere you would like to add a little Christmas cheer.
  5. Finally, I bought some steeply discounted Christmas items after the holiday, when they were cheapest.  Right now is the best time to stock up for next year!

What are some ways that you have found to decorate your home inexpensively for Christmas?

Freebie Friday! Wendy’s T-Shirt & A Kind Bar

Although there weren’t a lot of freebies in the mail this week, the ones we received were fun!  We got a free t-shirt from Wendy’s, and a Cranberry Almond Kind bar.

What freebies did you get in the mail this week?

Frugal Decorating Tip: Display Seasonal Library Books

If you are like me and looking to decorate your home inexpensively for each season, one way you can do that is with library books.  When we go to the library for story-time, I always try to check out books that have to do with upcoming events or seasons of interest to our kids.

We had some empty shelves around our place (that I bought with Linda and Lucy when we went yard-saling!) so I displayed the kids’ Christmas and other winter books there.  Some we already owned or received as Christmas gifts, and others are library books.  Hey—if it works for the library, it can work for us!

If you get tired of reading the same books to your children over and over again, these visual hints might also get them interested in reading some new books (but I’m not making any promises!)  🙂

How do you decorate your home inexpensively for the changing seasons?

Toddler Tuesday: Easy “Gingerbread” House

‘Tis the season for making gingerbread houses, and I have never made one before!  So I decided that we would try making our first one this year.  I recently saw a friend on Facebook using graham crackers instead of gingerbread, so I thought that would work for us.

Our simple “gingerbread” house mostly used ingredients that we had leftover from our Christmas party.  Other ingredients were found in our kitchen:

I wrapped a cookie sheet in foil for the base.  Then I used the peanut butter as mortar on our little house, and the green icing as embellishment.  Although I think it probably tastes better this way, I don’t think the peanut butter is as strong a glue as the icing.  🙂

It was a hit!  Although I was afraid it wouldn’t stand long enough for us to finish it, it lasted just long enough.  Then the kids munched away.  Yeah!

What seasonal projects have you enjoyed doing with your children this year?

CVS Drugstore Game: All This For $2.39!

After going Black Friday Shopping with my mom and sister, I had $5.50 worth of Extra Care Bucks to spend by December 26.  So Naomi and I went out to return our library books and pick up a few things at CVS.

I had two rain-checks for cereal ($0.87) from Black Friday, and a coupon for $1/2 General Mills cereal, making them $0.37 each.

The Christmas supplies at CVS are all on sale for 50% off.

The Zyrtec was on sale for $5.99, with $5.99 back in ECBs.  On top of that, I had a coupon for Free Zyrtec, making this a money-maker!

I used the ECBs from the Zyrtec to buy the toothbrushes for my kids, for $3.19 each.

So I spent $2.39 out of pocket (OOP) for 8 items, or about $0.30 per item.

What great deals have you found this week, at CVS or elsewhere?

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas with Love,

From Our Family to Yours!

Christmas Tree Brownies

I spotted this Christmas Tree Brownie recipe from Betty Crocker recently, and had to give it a try!  On December 16 we hosted our area’s annual Christmas party, and the brownies added just the right festive touch to our snack buffet.  It’s a very simple recipe, so I would encourage you to try it yourself!

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