Monkey See, Monkey Do

Last Friday we were getting ready for a family night (pizza, snack, and a kids’ movie) when I realized I hadn’t heard from my two older kids in a little while.  If you have kids, then you know that sometimes silence means trouble!  I walked around the house looking for Naomi and Oliver, and found them with paper bags, scissors, scotch tape, and a book.


It only took me a moment to realize that they were wrapping up a book to sell on Amazon, just like I do!  I called Brad to come see and we got a good laugh out of it.  Naomi told me that she was done with the book, and wanted the mailman to take it to one of her friends.


Selling our used books on Amazon creates a very small stream of income for our family. In fact, even now my computer is surrounded by books and DVDs to list on-line when I have a chance!

Have you ever caught your kids mimicking your frugal habits?

Book Review: Secrets to a Happy Life by Bill Giovanetti

Secrets to a Happy Life: Finding Satisfaction in Any Situationby Bill Giovanetti uses the life of Joseph as an example of how to find the secrets to happiness.  For example, one of the things that made Joseph happy was that he saw himself as a pilgrim.  In other words, he held on to all things lightly.  He had a healthy detachment to his stuff, he lived with a happy simplicity, and he realized that his ultimate rewards were in the future.

Giovanetti highlights the following eleven secrets of happiness, intertwined with his personal testimony: Letting Go, Destiny, Consistency, Loyalty, Endurance, Trust, Closure, Identity, Wisdom, Surrender, and Love.  I enjoyed his perspective on Joseph, Jacob, & Joseph’s brothers.  It was it was my fourth reading of that text this year, so it was fresh in my mind.  Joseph proves Giovanetti’s point well: “Happiness begins in the soul….happiness does not depend on the quality of your stuff; it depends on the condition of your heart.”

If you’re a blogger and are interested in becoming a book reviewer for Bethany House, please check out their program here!

What good books have you read recently?

A Pink Princess Party

I tend to get stressed before birthdays, especially Naomi’s birthday.  I tend to set too-high expectations for myself, and then procrastinate out of a fear of failure.  After talking with Brad and a friend about my concerns, I decided just to have a simple “Pink Princess Party” with just our family for Naomi’s 4th birthday.  After some research on Pinterest, I came up with a plan and had fun shopping for my little princess!


Pink Princess Food:

  • Pink Lemonade (Concentrate mixed with Water)
  • Pink Candies
  • Boxed Strawberry Cake Mix
  • Cream Cheese Frosting (Some mixed with 4 drops of Red Food Coloring, some piped through a plastic bag)
  • White Pearl Sprinkles
  • Strawberries (Already in the Refrigerator)
  • Nectarines (from a friend)
  • Ice Cream
  • Ice Cream Cones



  • 4 Princesses for the Cupcakes ($1 Store)
  • White and Red Crepe Paper (Leftovers)
  • Red, White, & Pink Balloons (from a package of Multi-Color Balloons)
  • Fresh Red, Pink, and Purple Roses (from our Garden)
  • Red Candles (Leftovers)
  • Crepe Paper Flags on the Cupcakes (Leftovers)
  • Red Table Cloth (Wedding Gift)
  • Serving Platter (Wedding Gift)
  • Serving Tray (Hand-Me-Down from a friend)



  • Toys R Us Gift Card
  • $1 Store
  • Friends and Family
  • Gift Bags & Tissue Paper (Leftovers)



  • “Princess” Ballet Dress (Hand-Me-Down from a friend)


As you can see, many of the items I used for Naomi’s birthday were leftover from other birthdays, were already in our fridge, were hand-me-downs, or came from the $1 store.  Naomi had a great time, and especially loved the princesses on her cupcakes.  (In case you haven’t heard, Naomi believes that when she grows up she will be a princess and Oliver will be her prince and they will live in a castle on their own.)  I did most of the decorating while the kids took their afternoon nap.  Naomi could barely sleep out of excitement, and when she woke she walked into the room with a low and long, “WOW…..”  Then she walked over, wrapped her arms around me, and whispered, “THANK YOU for all my birthday things!”  As usual, my stress and worry were completely unnecessary.

I’d love to hear about your family’s fun and frugal birthday celebrations in the comments section below!

July 16, 2013: Dear Oliver


Dear Oliver,

Today you, my handsome little man, are 31 months old.  It is so fun to see your personality coming out with each passing month.  You are sweet and affectionate, shy and sensitive, helpful and mischievous.

For a long time, we wondered when you would ever talk.  Unlike Naomi, who chattered from Day #1, you were most mostly mute.  We joked that you were the “strong, silent type.”  Aside from a few simple words (“Mama”, “Dada”) and sounds affects (vehicle noises, animal sounds), you waited to speak until just recently.  Now it seems like you have a new word every day!

Some of your favorite words are food-related: raisins (“rai-rai”), cheese, juice, water (“wa-wa”), freeze pop (“pop”), spoon, cereal, cookie, milk, bowl, banana (“nana”), and meat.  Your favorite foods are still fruits, and you eat every kind.  You can also say Oliver (“Olala”), Naomi (“Nay”), and Evelyn (“Baby”).  Your favorite number is your age (“two”), and when you count every number is two (“two-two-two-two…”).  Your favorite letter is “C” so when Naomi sings the ABC’s, you sing every letter as “C” (“C-C-C-C…”)  Your favorite color is “blue”, which is funny because Naomi’s favorite color was “pink.”  We didn’t plan it that way!  You love to lay across my lap (“lap!”) and ask me to rock you and sing Rock-a-Bye Baby (“baby!”) to you.

Potty training has added a lot of new words to your vocabulary like pee-pee, butt, pee, poop, diaper (“didey”), potty, and hands.  You love the pool, the outdoors, and going places in the car.  You love to dress and undress, so words like shoes, shorts, shirt, pants, socks, tu-tu, hat, and boots are new.  You always notice matching clothes, like when your flip-flops match my flip-flops, or when your shorts match Daddy’s shorts.  We’re not seriously potting training you right now, but we are amused that the only time you want to use the potty is to delay your nap time or bed time.

You ARE a two-year-old, so that means that some of your most-used words are “Me!” “Mine!” and “No!”  Despite your stubbornness at times, you are very sensitive.  You are quick to cry, apologize, and give a hug when scolded.  It has taken some time for you to put two words together, so I had to laugh when Naomi made you furious one day by climbing on a chair that you had dragged to the kitchen counter.  You tried your best to get her down, and then finally yelled, “MY CHAIR!”  It was the first time I’d heard you put two words together!

You love Naomi though, and follow her everywhere.  The doctor (and everyone else) has noted that you were probably late to speak because she speaks for you all the time!  You two are inseparable, and always look out for (and fight with) one another.  You love Evelyn too, and are the gentlest big brother I have ever seen.  You bring her toys and blankets, diapers and burp clothes.  You nurse your doll babies, push them in the stroller, and put them down for naps.  Although I think you envy her time on my lap and loss of your status as “baby,” I know you will make a great Daddy some day for your own babies.

You are such a sweetheart, and a blessing to our family.  We love you so much!



Birthday Morning: Doorway Surprise

The night before Naomi’s 4th Birthday, I thought it would be fun to try something I’d seen on Pinterest.  I used some crepe paper (leftover from previous birthdays) and balloons (the ones that I wouldn’t need for her party) to create a Doorway Surprise.


The kids got a big kick out of their special doorway.  Oliver tore them down twice before Naomi’s birthday was over, but we taped them back up until her special day was done.

Folding Clothes


My kids are a little weird.  (They come by it naturally of course, since Brad and I are pretty weird too!)  Oliver likes to wash the dishes, and set the table.  Naomi likes to vacuum, fold clothes, and even asked for a broom for her birthday.  They love to help make the beds, put groceries away, and prepare meals.  Allowing the kids to help with household chores and responsibilities at this age usually means it will take longer (and it will be messier) than just doing it myself.

Last week I stood in the living room surrounded by laundry from the Fourth of July.  I started separating and folding the clothes, and Naomi begged to fold the towels.  I looked at the pile and laughed…it was as tall as she was!  However, I figured it would keep her busy while I worked on the rest of the laundry.  I even grabbed the camera, figuring I might get a humorous blog post out of it.

Well, Naomi surprised me again!  She folded almost every towel by herself, although I had to teach her how to fold the big towels.  She even sorted them by size!  What a funny kid.  I thought it might be a one-time thing, but she did it again today too.  I’m learning not to underestimate this just-turned-four-year-old.

What chores do your kids enjoy doing around the house?


Freebie Friday!


This past month I’ve received some new free magazines, cards, coffee, toiletries, and other fun stuff!

What fun stuff have you received in the mail recently? 

What Frugal Things Do You NOT Do?

Recently I was scanning down my Facebook news feed and saw the following question from Trent Hamm at The Simple Dollar: “What frugal things do you NOT do?”  I had to laugh because there are a few frugal things that I do not do, or at least do not do very often:

  • I don’t hang our clothes to dry when Brad is away.  I use the dryer when it’s just me here at the house.
  • It’s been in the triple digits here lately, so we’ve been using our window unit air-conditioner all day, and all night.
  • I don’t buy used shoes.  I find lots of used clothes, but my mom and mother-in-law have kept our family in shoes for years.  Otherwise, we buy our own shoes when needed.
  • I don’t buy generic peanut butter.
  • I don’t use a lot of coupons unless they make the item free or almost free.  I can usually find cheaper prices just by buying generic brands from our local grocery store.
  • I buy fresh fruit and vegetables instead of canned or frozen.
  • I’ve only ever held one yard sale.  I find it easier just to donate or pass on the things we don’t need.
  • I don’t try to drive in a way that saves gas.  However, I do try to plan my route with only right turns to avoid getting stuck sitting at traffic lights and I always try to combine trips.
  • I’ve never changed the oil in our car.  I’m not opposed to learning, but I hear it won’t save me much.

What frugal things do you NOT do?

Free Flowers


Who needs to buy flowers when you can grow your own for free?  We have plenty of rose bushes, geraniums, sunflowers, and wild flowers growing around our yard.  I love when Brad picks me a half-dozen roses for the dining room table, or when the kids come running inside with a handful of wild flowers to put in a vase.

What “free” flowers are growing around your home?


July 7, 2013: Dear Naomi


Dear Naomi,

I can’t believe we are celebrating your fourth birthday already!  This week I asked you a few times what you wanted for your birthday.  You told me that you wanted “balloons, cupcakes, a doll bed, and a ‘little sweep’ (a broom).”  I love how simple your requests are.  One night this week I stayed up far too long looking at Pinterest, agonizing over what to do for your birthday.  Your Dad reminded me that the best thing that we could give you is to love one another.  I have to agree, our relationships with each other are far more important than any gift I could give you.  You are a great example of love, lavishing all of us with hugs, kisses, generosity, politeness, and helpfulness.

You are such an intelligent girl, and indeed one of the most intelligent four-year-olds I have had the pleasure of knowing.  You know everything, or at least you think you do!  I told your Dad recently that aside from your afternoon nap, you talk from 7am to 8pm without a break!  You are constantly asking questions, and quickly pick up new information.  You keep me on my toes all day every day, wanting to know everything from what we will do next to why the world operates the way it does.  You have a great sense of humor, and an equally great sense of seriousness.  You are a born leader, and love to be in charge.  Oliver follows you everywhere, and you are quick to tell him what to do and how to do it right.  In the last five months you have also loved mothering little Evelyn, and are eager to help with her in any way we will allow.

You are so outgoing and assertive that we speculate that someday you’ll be a stay-at-home Mom, a teacher, the lead in the school play, or a Young Life Area Director.  You love to dance around the house in a princess costume or a tu-tu, swaying and spinning on your tip-toes.  You love to sing at the top of your lungs, whether in our house or the grocery store.  You love to read, and memorize the words to your favorite books, reciting them aloud to Oliver and Evelyn or even yourself.  You are my little artist, patiently painting, coloring, sculpting, and drawing at the kitchen table.  You recently learned to ride your bike, and love to ride down the sidewalk to the end of the street and back.  Whatever you choose to do with your life, I know you will do it well, because you approach everything with passion and deep concentration.

You say the sweetest things, which I know is a trait you get from your father.  On Sunday I walked out of our bedroom in a skirt I hadn’t worn in a while.  Your mouth dropped open, and you whispered, “WOW.  Mommy you look so pretty!”  You are quick to tell me how much you love me, how beautiful and amazing I am, how delicious dinner is, and how adorable Evelyn is.  You are a great encourager, and are quick to point out the best in people.  I love to listen to you pray at mealtimes or bedtimes, giving thanks for the simplest of blessings.  As our first child, you have taught us how to be parents, but you are also teaching us so many other valuable lessons.  Thank you for being you.  You are our favorite Naomi Faith!



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