Recently I spotted this Pin on Pinterest, and decided to try it with the kids. We filled our ice cub trays with water and then added a drop of food coloring. That night, we added the multi-colored cubes to their warm bath. The cubes didn’t last for long, but the kids had fun chasing and […]
Archive for the ‘Toddler Tuesdays’ Category
Morning & Nighttime To Do Charts for Kids

With Brad out of town for the last week, today I desperately needed to do some grocery shopping. I had been putting it off though, because who really wants to go shopping with a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a newborn in tow? Today we bravely conquered not only WinCo, but the […]
Toddler Tuesday: Autumn Window Collage

When I saw this Autumn Window Collage over at Frugal Family Fun (now Inner Child Fun) I just knew I had to try it with my kids! First I found some salvaged tissue paper from last year’s Christmas gifts and Christmas sales. I chose 3 colors/patterns that reminded my of fall: red, yellow, and a […]
Toddler Tuesday: 3 Jack-O-Lantern Crafts for Halloween

I know, I know. It’s a little late for Jack-O-Lanterns by now! However, October was a busy month for us, and I never got to share some of the small crafts I did with Naomi for Halloween. 1. Coffee-Can Jack-O-Lantern: Honestly, Naomi didn’t get to help much with this one. I wrapped a coffee can […]
Toddler Tuesday: Butcher Paper Drawing

Naomi is very excited that she is now in the “Big Girls’ Class” for Sunday School. Since September 2, the kids at church have all moved up a level. This Sunday Naomi was doubly thrilled when the teacher gave her a giant sheet of butcher paper to bring home. They had already drawn flowers on […]
Toddler Tuesday: California State Railroad Museum

On August 20, we packed up our kids for a big adventure! We drove down to Sacramento in hopes of riding the train that departs from the California State Railroad Museum. I had heard about the train and train museum from my friend BeccaG! Naomi brought two of her favorite books along for ride, The […]
Toddler Tuesday: Toothpicks & Marshmellows

Welcome back to Toddler Tuesdays! I haven’t had a lot of toddler projects to talk about over the summer months. As long as the weather is bearable, we try to get outside to play and do fewer indoor projects together. Brad tells me that Toddler Tuesdays are his favorite part of my blog though, so […]
Toddler Tuesday: 20 Frugal Field Trips

This has been one HOT summer in California, but if your kids are like mine, they need to get out of the house and DO something! Early in the year I looked at the calendar and scheduled one Field Trip for each month, to guarantee that I would keep exploring our new hometown. As the […]
Toddler Tuesday: Homemade Play Dough

A couple weeks ago I assisted in Naomi’s two-year-old’s Sunday School class. Crystal was the head teacher, and as part of her lesson plan she had prepared homemade play dough for the kids to use and then take home. It smelled amazing, and when I asked her how she had prepared it, she said she […]
Toddler Tuesday: Face Painting

We’ve been crazy-busy for the last month (a short vacation on the West Coast and two weddings in Maryland too!) but now we’re back to doing things around the house again. It seems like every other blogger I know is posting about all the fun things they are doing this summer with their kids. One […]