Toddler Tuesday: DIY Finger Paints

A couple months ago, my friend BeccaG blogged about finger painting with her toddler, and mentioned that you could make your own finger paint.  The thought had never occurred to me!

Well, since we only have one car, when Brad is out I have to entertain the kids close to home.  So I do my creative experiments on those days when he is out.  Today I decided to try making our own finger paints.  I found this great recipe that was not only non-toxic, but was easily made with ingredients I already had in my kitchen.


  • 1/2 cup Flour
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • Food Coloring


  • Mix the flour and water together in a small mixing bowl.
  • Separate your flour & water paste into smaller cups and add food coloring.
  • Paint!

I covered the table with newspapers, knowing most of Oliver’s painting would not end up on his art paper.

Naomi (2.5 years) was very serious about her painting.

I was glad the paint was non-toxic since Oliver (15 months) put most of his paint in his mouth.

Naomi decided that she preferred pouring and smearing her paint, and set aside her paintbrush.

Naomi’s finished artwork (above).

Oliver’s finished artwork (above).

What creative experiments have you tried recently?

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2 Responses to “Toddler Tuesday: DIY Finger Paints”

  1. Kristy says:

    I saw something online recently where they used brighter colors than that, but before they started painting, they wrote the kids’ names with tape on the paper. When the painting session was up and the pictures were dry, they peeled the tape up to reveal the names in the middle of the splattered paint! 🙂 An idea for some easy wall art for their room anyway 🙂

  2. […] Field Trips, Pancake Names, Celebrating Birthdays on a Budget, Homemade Play-Dough, Face Painting, DIY Finger Paints, Orange Tree Painting, Milk, Food Coloring, and Soap Experiment, Animal Magnets, Easy […]

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