DIY Facial Cleanser

DIY Facial Cleanser {The Abundant Wife}

You may remember my November book review of Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider.  I really enjoyed the book, and have also enjoyed her blog and subsequent articles.  Recently a friend of mine mentioned that she was trying a DIY facial cleanser, inspired by Tsh’s Simple Mom blog.  I was almost out of face wash anyway, so I thought I’d give it a try.

You can read more about Tsh’s Oil-Cleansing Method at her blog.  I mistakenly used 100% Olive Oil instead of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil as Tsh suggests.   It was too late by the time I realized my mistake, so I’m using it anyway.  I got the Olive Oil at the grocery store, and the Castor Oil at Walgreens.  I used one part Castor Oil to three parts Olive Oil.  So far I’ve been pleasantly surprised.  My skin felt a little more oily for the first few days, but I haven’t had any break-outs.  I may try a little more Castor Oil next time.  I scrubbed the label off of the Olive Oil bottle to have a prettier way to store my new cleanser.

Now obviously I messed up the Olive Oil, but there is a pretty big price difference between the two methods.  The Clean & Clear above costs about $5.63 for 6.5 oz ($0.87/oz) while the 100% Olive Oil and Castor Oil costs about $9.42 for 16 oz ($0.59/oz).  However, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil will most likely cost you more than the 100% Olive Oil.  All of these numbers could vary greatly depending on whether you used coupons or other savings methods.

Have you ever tried making a DIY facial cleanser?


DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent

DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent {The Abundant Wife}

My husband, Brad, has been urging me to try a recipe he found for DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent for some time.  We are not only a family of five, but we also cloth diaper our children, so we go through a lot of laundry.  I was able to pick up all three ingredients (yes, only three!) at our local Win-Co grocery store in the laundry aisle.  Brad shaves the bar soap, combines the ingredients in a plastic storage container, and then adds 1-2 Tbsp per load.

DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent

  • 1 Bar (4.5 ounces) of shaved bar soap (Ivory, Zote, Fels-Naptha)
  • 1 Cup of Borax
  • 1 Cup of Washing Soda

Directions: Stir together for 5 minutes.  Add 1-2 Tbsp per load.

Have you ever tried making homemade laundry detergent?

Pruned To Be More Fruitful


Our Grape Arbor

“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”  John 15:2

On Sunday Brad was asked to preach at the first and second service of a local church.  Between the services we were invited to sit in on a Sunday School class.  Our teacher led a class discussion of John 15.  I was especially struck by John 15:2.  “Every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”

The last 8 months have not been easy.  We’ve been on reduced salary 3 times.  I had an undiagnosed infection for 4 months.  We had a baby.  We went to Maryland for 2 weeks.  Brad had training in Florida for one week, and a mission trip to Mexico for one week.  We hosted family from Maryland for 5 1/2 weeks.  We live 2700 miles from our families for most of the year.  I underwent surgery 3 weeks ago.

But if I look at this passage, Jesus pretty much guarantees that if I’m producing fruit, then I will be pruned so that I can produce more fruit.  Instead of feeling sorry for myself when hard times come, I can recognize that I am being pruned for future fruitfulness.  I can be grateful and hopeful knowing that God can use my struggles for His glory.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.”  Galatians 5:22

It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over


10 days ago I wrote about how I was quitting my blog.  As you can tell from the past week of blog posts, I’m having a difficult time letting go.  For one thing, my husband and parents are encouraging me to keep blogging, even if I can’t do it as often or as well as I would like.  For another thing, I can’t seem to stop taking photos and mentally composing blog posts in my head.  As I began to purge my computer of anything related to my blog I found more pictures and notes that I didn’t want to waste.  I mean, who else will celebrate with me if I read another book, find another freebie, or do another diy project that I found on Pinterest?  So here I sit again, writing on my laptop on the couch while my 3 babies are napping.

So for now, instead of quitting, I will be changing things up a bit.  I will be doing my best to ignore the voices in my head that compare me to other “better” blogs with better Google Analytics, Pinterested images, Photoshopped photographs, Facebook “likes”, income generated from advertisements, and more.  Instead, I will continue to photograph our daily life, and share what is on my heart.  Due to my other responsibilities, my articles may be shorter or less frequent than in the past.  You may have already noticed that my pictures have been smaller, which also saves me time.  I hope to be on the computer less when my children are awake, and more when they are asleep.  This will take better time management on my part, but I think I’m up for the challenge.

Thank you for sticking with this wife, as I attempt to live abundantly.  Thank you for encouraging me when I feel discouraged.


How To Be Generous When You’re Just Scraping By

Last November I read 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excessby Jen Hatmaker, and I loved it.  I highly recommend that you all read it.  However, it is not the kind of book one can read without acting on it.  Shortly thereafter I was watching The Muppet Christmas Carolwith my kids (a family favorite from my childhood), and I felt convicted yet again.  I have been a frugal person since childhood, but as I watched Scrooge I could see the other side of my penny-pinching ways.  I longed to be generous like Jen and give out of my excess, and I longed to leave a legacy of generosity instead of legacy of stinginess.

Then, in December, Brad’s salary was reduced by 25% and I became fearful that we were returning to April 2010, when our salary was reduced and we were eventually laid off.  I was angry at God for convicting me on generosity just moments before taking away a portion of our income.  But as I read my Bible each day, I saw Paul celebrating those who gave despite their poor circumstances.  So I began to look for ways to be generous, in spite of our deficit.  For all I know, we will always be scraping by, and I don’t want to wait around the rest of my life in hopes that someday I’ll have enough of a surplus to be generous.  Here are a few ways that I have found to be generous, even when you’re just scraping by:

  • Give a meal:  Our church uses the website Take Them A Meal to organize meal deliveries for families in our church.
  • Give your freebies:  We had a surplus of freebies in our medicine cabinet, so I found a friend who needed them.
  • Give your time:  My husband took our Young Life kids Christmas Caroling around our neighborhood, and made a lot of new friends.
  • Give your talents:  I’ve been helping my husband with the administrative chores of his job so that he can focus on the other things that need his attention.
  • Give your knowledge:  My sister was fundraising for an 11-month mission trip, and was selling items on eBay and Amazon as a fundraiser.  I was able to help her with my knowledge of these two websites.
  • Give your home:  Our family often hosts Young Life events, but we also host friends and family when they visit.
  • Give your transportation:  When a friend’s car broke down recently, we offered a ride.

Last week I was again lamenting that we didn’t have enough money to give as much as I would like to give.  Minutes later, a friend showed up unannounced and asked to borrow an item from our garage.  I enjoyed God’s sense of humor.  We’re on 75% salary again this month and next, and yet God keeps giving me opportunities to give.  I was thrilled to be able to give my friend exactly what she needed, and God stopped my complaints.  If you long to be generous on a limited budget, I challenge you to start looking around for creative ways to be generous.  You may find there are more ways to be generous than you ever imagined!

What ways have you discovered to be generous when you are just scraping by?


Pinterest Inspired: Crockpot Barbecue Chicken

One of the ways that I save money is by “shopping from my pantry.”  Recently I noted that I had all the ingredients on hand for Barbecue Chicken.  I remembered an easy recipe that I’d spotted on Pinterest.


Crockpot Barbecue Chicken

  • 4-6 Pieces Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
  • 1 Bottle BBQ Sauce
  • 1/4 c Vinegar
  • 1 tsp. Red Pepper Flakes
  • 1/4 c Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp. Garlic Powder

Directions: Mix all the ingredients (except for the chicken breasts) in a bowl.  Place chicken in crockpot.  Pour your sauce over the chicken and cook on LOW for 4-6 hours.

The recipe was just as easy as promised.  We had more than enough Barbecue Chicken for 2 meals.  Thank you to “Stick A Fork In It” for the delicious recipe!

If you’d like to follow me on Pinterest, you can click here!

Freebie Friday: Photomontage






What free stuff have you received recently?

Freezer Cooking: Burritos

Before Evelyn was born, I filled our freezer with a lot of meals so that I could rest as much as possible.  As you can see, I prepared about 3 burrito meals in advance.  If you’re looking to save yourself time, freezer cooking is the way to go!


If you’re looking for some tips and practical help for freezer cooking, you should check out my friend Jessica’s website, Loving My Nest.  She’s done all the work for you!


Have you ever tried freezer cooking before?

Fun Freebies

We’ve ended up with some fun freebies recently, so I thought you would enjoy seeing what we’d received.  Although I had been interested these items, we did not ask for them.  Various friends offered them to us as their children outgrew them!

  • A baby swing
  • 4-13-13 (2)A bassinet


  • A playhouseIMG_2171
  • A swimming poolIMG_2253

And a climber!IMG_2356

How have your needs been met recently, before you had a chance to ask?

Handmade by Kayla Holmes

As many of you know, my husband is an Area Director for Young Life.  Through Young Life, we have many friends.  So when word got out that I was pregnant with our third child, Kayla Holmes asked my husband if she could make me a car seat cover.

IMG_2179 Kayla asked me to look at her Facebook page.  She said I could choose an item, or I could describe what I like, and she could try to make something to suit my tastes.

IMG_2186Well, she did a fabulous job!  I described my tastes to her, and she made a car seat cover that perfectly suited my style.  She even adjusted the canopy ties when she realized that our handle was a zig-zag.

IMG_2188As you can see, Evelyn was also quite pleased with the final result.  So please check out Handmade by Kayla Holmes and “like” her Facebook Page!

(PS–Kayla doesn’t know that I’m posting this and didn’t ask me to feature it.  In fact, she may not even know that I have a blog.  Mwah-ha-ha-ha…)

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