As I’ve stated before, October was Home Improvement month around our (rental) house. After I finished a painting for our church, I felt inspired to keep painting. I had wanted to paint our white hallway brown for a long time. I looked at my Pinterest boards to decide what shade I wanted, and then went […]
Archive for the ‘Decorating’ Category
The Birch Tree Project (Part 2)

If you missed The Birch Tree Project (Part 1) you can read it here. After 5 days of painting, and 7 days of having the house in disorder while the furniture and kids were displaced, I was delighted with the finished product! The kids’ room rarely looks this neat! I had to shut them out […]
The Birch Tree Project (Part 1)

When we moved into our new rental home, one of the first things I hoped to do was paint birch trees on the walls of the kids’ room. If you’ve explored my Pinterest boards, you probably saw some of my many ideas there. Life happened though, and other things took priority. Soon a year had […]
Inexpensive Autumn Decor

Last year we’d only lived in our new home about a month when I blogged about decorating my home inexpensively for autumn. This year we’ve unpacked a little bit more, and we were able to decorate a little bit more. 1. Natural Beauty: During the last week of October my parents, sister, brother, and grandmother […]
3 Ways We’ve Lowered Our Utility Bill

In the past few months I’ve been working on lowering our utility bill. Here are some of the improvements we’ve made with the help of PG&E: A few months ago we qualified for the income-based CARE program which lowers our monthly bill. About a month ago we signed up for the Balanced Payment Plan which […]
5 Inexpensive Ways to Create A Cozy Master Bedroom

After 6 months in our new rental, it is finally beginning to feel less like a house and more like a home. Here are few ways I’ve been able to make our master bedroom more cozy: 1. Colors: Choose colors for your master bedroom that make you feel cozy and comfortable. Whether you like warm […]
5 Inexpensive Ways I’ve Updated Our Bathroom

We’ve been living in our rental for 6 months now, and our house is finally beginning to look more like a home. One of the places that shows marked improvement is our bathroom. Here are a few ways I was able to update the bathroom cheaply: 1. Window Treatments: I was able to get inexpensive […]
My Surprise Birthday & Valentine’s Day Gift

When I recently wrote about how Brad surprised me for my birthday and Valentine’s Day, some of you asked to see photographs of his work. So here they are! These are the kitchen cabinets he and Roah rehung and repainted: They also rehung and repainted the pantry cabinets behind me, but you can’t see them […]
Frugal Decorating Tip: Display Seasonal Library Books

If you are like me and looking to decorate your home inexpensively for each season, one way you can do that is with library books. When we go to the library for story-time, I always try to check out books that have to do with upcoming events or seasons of interest to our kids. We […]
DIY Halloween Window Painting

Two years ago I was asked to help paint the windows of a store-front at Christmas with some friends. So when I saw these windows on Pinterest, I figured I could try a little “DIY” painting on our windows instead of buying decals or yarn. Materials: Step-Ladder Window-Cleaner Dry-Erase Markers Picture (of what you want […]