After all my years of traveling, perhaps I should just start writing a series on “How to Survive” various travel scenarios. But today, I turn my lens on air travel with your toddler(s). Whenever you travel by air, safety and obedience to regulations should be your top priority. But beyond that, here are a few […]
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category
Toddler Tuesday: Animal Magnets

Six months ago I was able to get these awesome Melissa & Doug Animal Magnets for free from using a deal I saw posted on Money Saving Mom. They have been a big hit with our kids! Here are some ideas for using them for educational purposes: Ask your toddler to point to each […]
Miscarried Hopes

“So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:14 On December 9, Brad and I received the news that we were pregnant again with Baby #3. I walked around our house all afternoon in stunned silence. Brad jumped up and down […]
Free Toddler Toys: Empty Plastic Canisters

Back in November I suggested some Free & Easy Toddler Toys, and among them were empty plastic canisters. Recently I was eying my children’s kitchen set (itself a $20 yard sale purchase–thanks Mom!) and noting how many free toys they had. Here below is some of their collection. I love that these hardy little containers […]
Toddler Tuesday: Homemade Christmas Cards

One of the ways I often like to personalize things is with a homemade card. For Christmas, we sent home two large flat-rate boxes filled with wrapped gifts. Each gift had a free gift tag attached. Inside each box I also included a homemade card with a short poem inside (written by yours truly). Since […]
Toddler Tuesday: Easy “Gingerbread” House

‘Tis the season for making gingerbread houses, and I have never made one before! So I decided that we would try making our first one this year. I recently saw a friend on Facebook using graham crackers instead of gingerbread, so I thought that would work for us. Our simple “gingerbread” house mostly used ingredients […]
Toddler Tuesday: 10 Fun Things To Do Outdoors

Toddler Tuesday: 10 Fun Things to Do Outdoors Unlike our recent winters in China, Minnesota, and Maryland, our family is really enjoying the beautiful California weather! Yesterday the kids and I played outside in t-shirts, with the warm sun beating down on our backs. In honor of the gorgeous weather, here are ten things to […]
Toddler Tuesday: Glow Sticks in the Bathtub (and other fun things to do in the dark)

When my friend Rebecca pinned this image on Pinterest recently, I knew I had to try this with my kids. I had four FREE glow bracelets and two glow sticks in the refrigerator that I received at the CVS register a couple weeks ago. Don’t let the low-quality of my photo (and lack of any […]
Toddler Tuesday: Chores for Toddlers

When I saw this quotation on Pinterest, I was intrigued by the question beneath it. Zina Harrington of Give A Child A Lifetime Love of Learning asks, “What are you doing for your child that they could succeed at doing without your help?” So I began to ask myself, “What am I doing for Naomi […]
Toddler Tuesday: Free & Easy Toddler Toys

You don’t have to be around a toddler for long to realize that the price you pay for their toys does not matter to them. They unwrap a toy, and then show greater delight in the toy’s packaging! They also disregard their own toys to dig through your personal belongings when you’re not looking. What’s […]