This has been one HOT summer in California, but if your kids are like mine, they need to get out of the house and DO something! Early in the year I looked at the calendar and scheduled one Field Trip for each month, to guarantee that I would keep exploring our new hometown. As the […]
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category
And Baby Makes 5!

On May 17, 2012 Brad and I found out that we are expecting our third child! We are delighted at the prospect of being a family of 5. As many of you already know, we had a miscarriage this past December. So when I found out I was pregnant again, I had many mixed feelings […]
Dear Naomi: July 7, 2012

Dear Naomi, I am really looking forward to spending today and tomorrow celebrating your 3rd birthday with you. Today we will enjoy some of your favorite activities. We will go swimming at the pool and then we will dry off and walk over to the park to climb on the play equipment. We will eat […]
Toddler Tuesday: Homemade Play Dough

A couple weeks ago I assisted in Naomi’s two-year-old’s Sunday School class. Crystal was the head teacher, and as part of her lesson plan she had prepared homemade play dough for the kids to use and then take home. It smelled amazing, and when I asked her how she had prepared it, she said she […]
Toddler Tuesday: Face Painting

We’ve been crazy-busy for the last month (a short vacation on the West Coast and two weddings in Maryland too!) but now we’re back to doing things around the house again. It seems like every other blogger I know is posting about all the fun things they are doing this summer with their kids. One […]
A Slice of Heaven

With the combination of warmer weather and our kids being a little older, I have really enjoyed the opportunity to let the kids spend more time outside. It’s great for their health, and my sanity! They love to follow Brad around the yard as he waters his fruit trees and flowers, or as he hangs […]
Missing Men

Two doors down from our house is a family that keeps a large kiddie pool filled with water in their driveway. Tonight as we were walking by, they invited us again to come over for a swim. After yet another hot day (it’s been in the triple digits all week), a dip sounded perfect. So […]
May 16, 2012: Home Sweet Home

When Brad and I chose our home in California, we analyzed every last detail. We looked at dozens of houses. In fact, Brad still boasts (and laughs) at the elaborate spreadsheet that I created detailing all the qualities of each rental home we found on Craigslist or the various realty websites. In the end, Brad […]
Happy Mother’s Day! DIY Handprint Flowers

For Mother’s Day this year, I decided to try some of the adorable crafts that I’ve been seeing on Pinterest. I put both kids in aprons, covered the table in newspaper, and painted their hands with acrylic paint. I made three prints of each child’s hand, and some were definitely better looking than others! I […]
Free Fun: Turtle Sandbox/Pool and Water Table

A few days ago, Brad and I noticed that our neighbors had placed a number of outdoor toys along their front sidewalk, with a large sign that said, “FREE.” A few hours later we walked over and picked up some of the toys and brought them over to our house. Among the toys we got […]