2012 Goals: December Update


So how did your  goal-setting going for 2012?  December was an overwhelming month for me as I took on way more than I could handle, and ended up burnt out and exhausted.  I could not wait for the holidays to be over and things to return to normal.  I did accomplish almost everything on my “To Do” list, but not without a lot of unnecessary stress.  I hope your holidays were better than mine, and that you were able to enjoy them stress-free!


All-Staff Conference, Meet My Sister’s New Baby, Substitute-Teach in Maryland, Find New Doctors/Dentists


Substitute-Teach in Maryland, New Driver’s Licenses, New Registration, New Auto Insurance, New Keys, Have Truck Weighed/Smog-Checked


Study for and Pass the CBEST, TB Test, Fingerprinting, Order and Install Blinds, Letter to Naomi, Letter to Oliver, Invite Someone Over, Visit Factory


Attend BSF Bible Study every Week (Complete All Homework), Visit Community Museum, Invite Someone Over


Attend BSF Bible Study every Week (Complete All Homework), Attend Sacred Marriage Couples Bible Study every Sunday (Prepare a Dish), Visit Fort Bragg with friends, Invite Team Over, Pay Off Citimortgage (2nd Mortgage), Apply for Refinance (1st Mortgage), Try Using Cash for Groceries and Gas, Weed Flower Beds, Transplant Bulbs, Make Mother’s Day Gifts


Attend Sacred Marriage Couples Bible Study every Sunday (Prepare a Dish), Attend My Sister’s Wedding in Maryland, Orioles Game, Take Kids Swimming Every Friday, Invite Leaders Over


Purchase Black-Out Curtains for Kids’ Room, Birthday Letter to Naomi, E-mail Landlord Photos of House, Renew Lease on our Rental Property, Apply to Substitute-Teach, Take Kids Swimming Every Friday, Invite Leaders Over


Sell Washing Machine/Grill/Books On-Line, Visit Lake/Park/California State Railroad Museum, Clean Out Garage, Install Kitchen Cabinet Handles, Repair Diaper Hamper, Make Toilet-Paper Holder, Clean Truck Interior, Mount Carbon Monoxide Detector, Mount Curtain Rods and Curtains in Kids’ Room, Hang Naomi’s Stars and Brad’s Schedule, Frame 8×10 Photo, Clean Fridge Interior, Take Kids Swimming Every Friday, Get Texting for Brad, Substitute-Teacher Orientation, Apply New Blog Theme, Link Blog to Facebook, Link Blog’s Facebook to Pinterest, Invite Leaders Over


Visit River/Old Sacramento Gold Rush Days, Create Blogging Masterminds Facebook Group, Re-Write English Curriculum, Invite Team Over, Swap Regular/Maternity Clothes in my Dresser, Purchase Tickets for Flight to Maryland in November, Renew Substitute-Teaching License in Maryland, Create Painting for Church, Decipher Substitute-Teaching Documents, Close on Refinance (1st Mortgage), Hang White Board


Decorate for Fall, Attend Church Membership Classes, Attend Women’s Retreat, Find Halloween Costumes, Visit Pumpkin Farm, Prepare for my Family visiting, Visit Fort Bragg, Visit Chandelier Drive-Thru Redwood Tree, Visit Pumpkin Farm, Visit Lake Tahoe, Attempt to fix Oliver’s Dresser Drawer (I finally threw it away), Install Door-Stoppers, Sell Books On-Line, Brown Spot-Painting on Woodwork Around House, Re-Paint Hallway, Paint Birch Tree Murals in Kids’ Room, Hang Clock/Batteries, Take Truck to Mechanic for “Check Engine” Light, Repair Lamp with JBWeld, Hot Glue Broken Butterfly, Wood Glue Broken Bulletin Board, Apply Felt Pads to Bottoms of Chairs, Vacuum Furnace, Start Purchasing Christmas Gifts


Find/Deliver Christmas Gifts, Visit Family in Maryland for Thanksgiving for 2 weeks, Substitute-Teach for 5 days in Maryland, Take Extra Art Supplies to High School Art Teacher, Donate Items, Sell Books on Amazon, Transition Oliver’s Clothes to “New” Dresser, Call/Visit with Maryland friends, Have Mom Cut My Hair, Change Bank Accounts in Maryland, Figure out why my computer hasn’t turned on since Oct. 25, Clean Out Freezer, Sikh Parade, JFK 50, Handel’s Messiah, Chili Cook-Off…


Make Anniversary Plans (Find Babysitter), Brad’s Father Visiting for 3 weeks, Prepare for Annual Christmas Parties (Host or Find Babysitter), Find 4 more Christmas Gifts, Put Away Fall Decorations, Decorate for Christmas, Get a Christmas Tree, Find a new OB/GYN, Schedule Hospital/Birth-Center Tour, Substitute-Teach, Try Budgeting with Crown Mvelopes

*These items kept getting bumped from month to month during 2012: Find New Home-Owner’s Insurance, Investigate Long-Term Plans, Drill Holes for 4 Handles in Bathroom, Spackle/Sand Bathroom, Cover Back of Medicine Cabinet, Paint Inside Bathroom Cabinets/Drawers, Paint Kitchen Cabinets, Install Child Locks, Learn to Use Sewing Machine, Attach Kids’ Dressers to Walls, Babysit/House-sit/Pet-sit, Find Cheaper Auto Insurance, Apricot Preserves, Visit Historical Society/Community Museum/Sacramento Zoo, Choose a name for the New Baby, Process Pumpkins, Writing Monthly Letters to Naomi & Oliver…

What goals were you able to accomplish in 2012?

25 Goals for 2013


This may be the first time I have ever written down a list of New Year’s Resolutions or Goals.  For me, it always made more sense to do this sort of thing at the beginning of the school year (September 1) rather than the beginning of the calendar year (January 1).  However, since I started keeping track of my monthly goals last June, I now need new goals for a new year.

I was reading an old post by Crystal Paine recently, in which she recommended setting goals based on your priorities, and then choosing focus areas in those priorities.  So my goals list will look a little different in 2013!  I hope doing my goals this way will give more structure to my goal-setting.  So, without further ado…


  • Daily “quiet time” — Read my Bible and write in my journal 6 days a week.
  • Finish reading my Bible beginning to end for the 4th time.  (I’ve read Matthew-1 Thessalonians since June.)
  • Finish the last 2 membership classes (of 6) required to join our church.
  • Join a Bible study.


  • Weekly “date night.”
  • Weekly scheduling/planning time.
  • Other.  (You don’t get to know everything!)


  • Decide on a name and give birth to the new baby (sometime in late January or early February).
  • Research pre-school homeschooling for Naomi (who will be 4 years old this summer).
  • Visit the Sacramento Zoo.
  • Consistent bedtime routine from 7-8pm: bath, brush teeth, read books 15 minutes each night.

Health (Body/Mind):

  • Walk each day.  Floss daily.  Drink lots of water.
  • Read a book each day (even if it’s just a little bit).


  • Purge and organize to make room for the new baby.
  • Home improvements.
  • Freezer cooking (for the new baby’s arrival, and other times).
  • Clean once weekly.


  • Write 2-3 posts weekly.


  • Choose new insurances (auto, home, life) and write a will.
  • Make money by selling items on eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist.
  • Make money substitute-teaching.  (I substitute-taught twice in December, and 4 times in November).
  • Use Mvelopes to budget for purchases. (I began on December 30).


  • Assist Brad with administrative tasks of youth ministry.  (I began on November 29).
  • Look for opportunities to be generous.
  • Look for opportunities to build real-life friendships.

I know 25 goals looks ambitious for a girl due to have her 3rd child in less than 2 weeks!  For that reason, I have intentionally tried not to add many new things aside from those that I hope will make my life simpler or easier in some way.  Many of my goals overlap in purpose and achievement.  I also know that I will put all goals on the back-burner for the first 8 weeks (or as many more are necessary) after our new baby arrives so that we can focus on rest and recovery.

So, how about you?  What goals do you hope to accomplish in 2013?

Our Financial Goals: Paying Off Debt (January 2013)


We’re a week into the new year, so I think it’s time for an update on our financial goals.

Currently we owe:

  • $24,053.46 to Sallie Mae (4.5 Interest Rate)
  • $108,193.73 to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (4.125 Interest Rate)
  • $132,247.19 Total

If you do the math, we’ve paid off $558.06 in the last 5 months

I know this looks extremely depressing at first glance, but the reason that our debt reduction has been so slow is that we refinanced our house at the end of September 2012.  So our Mortgage’s interest rate went down (from 6.25 to 4.125) but our mortgage debt increased.

On the upside, we’ve paid off another $2,089.13 on our Sallie Mae loan since July 2012!

What are your financial goals, and how are you accomplishing them?

Photo Credit

December Sabbatical


Dear Readers,

Thank you for your patience with me for the last month!  As you have probably noticed, I have been missing in action since the beginning of December.  Although my last post was on December 7, I actually have not written anything since Thanksgiving break while I was in Maryland.  Our family returned to California for our most difficult and busy month of the entire year.  I hope to write you more about our dark December, but for now I will just have to say that there was no time for blogging in the midst of it all.  I do hope to do a little more blogging in January before the birth of our third child!  She is due on January 22, but knowing our kids, she may arrive in early February.  I don’t know how regular I’ll be able to blog with a newborn since that will be a new experience for me.  Thanks for hanging in there, and joining us in our adventures!



Freebie Friday! Breathe Right, Cepacol, Tea, & Coffee


When I returned home from Thanksgiving on November 28, I had quite a few freebies waiting for me!  Here they are, in no particular order.  I hope you had a great holiday season with your family too!

  • Magazines: Ski, Parents, All You, Better Homes & Gardens, Entrepreneur, Family Fun, Working Mother
  • Garnier Moisture Rescue
  • Innovative Skin Care Instant Smoothing Gel
  • Clear Scalp and Hair Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Dream Fresh BB Foundation
  • Cepacol Cough Drops & Coupon
  • Cafe Bustelo Coffee
  • Aveeno Shampoo & Conditioner
  • JCPenney’s “Little Buttons” (I won $5!)
  • Nivea Body Wash & Coupon
  • Twinings Chai (3)
  • Breathe Right Nasal Strips
  • Super Dieter’s Tea & Coupon
  • Poise Pads & Coupon
  • Lil Critters Gummy Fish (2)
  • Jergen’s Daily Moisture & Coupon

What freebies have arrived in your mailbox recently?

Freebie Friday! Target Beauty Bag, Nivea, Old Orchard, & JCPenney

FREE Shoes, Stockings, Juice, & Chapstick

We are back from Thanksgiving Break which meant I had a LOT of freebies waiting for me when I got home!  I’ll have to wait to show them to you next week though, because I haven’t photographed them yet.  However, I did manage to photograph the freebies below just before we traveled, and I picked up the ones above while we were in Maryland.  Here’s the round-up:

  • JCPenney Black Dress Shoes for Naomi (using Gift Card)…which didn’t fit so I returned them, and this time Naomi chose BRIGHT silver sequined shoes with a large bow and a silver gem on the toes!  She loves them so much that she slept in them today.
  • JCPenney Black Stockings for Naomi (using Rewards)
  • Old Orchard Blueberry Pomegranate Juice (using Coupon)
  • Nivea Chapstick (using Coupon)
  • Popular Science Magazine
  • Martha Stewart Living Magazine
  • Target Beauty Bag with Samples: Jergens Lotion, Clear Shampoo & Conditioner, L’Oreal Shampoo & Conditioner, La Vie Est Belle Perfume by Lancome, Fekkai Shampoo & Conditioner, Pixi Foundation, & Coupons

Magazines & Target Beauty Bag Samples

What freebies did you receive this week?


Our Compost Garden: The Harvest

Produce from our Compost Garden

I know it’s been awhile since we discovered our thriving Compost Garden, and later harvested its produce, but I just couldn’t resist showing you these photographs!  The first two photographs are from our fall harvest.

Produce from our Compost Garden

Finally, while making Tomato Soup, I sliced up our fresh Compost Garden tomatoes alongside some Store-Bought Tomatoes.  Brad and I couldn’t believe the difference in taste, texture, and color!  The Compost Garden tomatoes were far superior.  The Store-Bought Tomatoes were firm to slice, watery in flavor, and pale in color.  The Compost Garden tomatoes were soft to slice, rich in flavor, and vibrant in color.  What a difference!

Store-Bought Tomatoes (Left) vs. Compost Garden Tomatoes (Right)

Thanks to California’s warm climate, we’re STILL harvesting tomatoes grown in our own backyard.  Next I’ll have to move on to Cooking our Pumpkins!

What new discoveries have you made this year in growing and/or cooking your own food?

2012 Goals: November Update

So how is your  goal-setting going for 2012?  I’ve learned that one of the best ways to achieve my goals is to begin by writing them down!  At the beginning of the year I typed up a list of goals, and pinned it to the bulletin board over my desk.  Each month I cross off my goals as I achieve them.  Many goals have gotten bumped to the next month (some more than once!) but I keep on plugging away at them in hopes that I will reach them before the end of the year.

I didn’t get a lot of new things done in November as much as I continued on projects already begun.  I continued selling items on Amazon, donated lots of things to various people and organizations, and threw out a lot of garbage.  I continued shifting and organizing “new” furniture as Brad continued to transition his office from its other location to our home.  We attended some fun community events here in California.  We spent half the month in Maryland where we substitute-taught for five days, and spent a lot of time catching up with friends and family.  We also spent a lot of time this month trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer, which died on October 25.  Despite the many transitions, we found much to be thankful for this month!


All-Staff Conference, Meet My Sister’s New Baby, Substitute-Teach in Maryland, Find New Doctors/Dentists


Substitute-Teach in Maryland, New Driver’s Licenses, New Registration, New Auto Insurance, New Keys, Have Truck Weighed/Smog-Checked


Study for and Pass the CBEST, TB Test, Fingerprinting, Order and Install Blinds, Letter to Naomi, Letter to Oliver, Invite Someone Over, Visit Factory


Attend BSF Bible Study every Week (Complete All Homework), Visit Community Museum, Invite Someone Over


Attend BSF Bible Study every Week (Complete All Homework), Attend Sacred Marriage Couples Bible Study every Sunday (Prepare a Dish), Visit Fort Bragg with friends, Invite Team Over, Pay Off Citimortgage (2nd Mortgage), Apply for Refinance (1st Mortgage), Try Using Cash for Groceries and Gas, Weed Flower Beds, Transplant Bulbs, Make Mother’s Day Gifts


Attend Sacred Marriage Couples Bible Study every Sunday (Prepare a Dish), Attend My Sister’s Wedding in Maryland, Orioles Game, Take Kids Swimming Every Friday, Invite Leaders Over


Purchase Black-Out Curtains for Kids’ Room, Birthday Letter to Naomi, E-mail Landlord Photos of House, Renew Lease on our Rental Property, Apply to Substitute-Teach, Take Kids Swimming Every Friday, Invite Leaders Over


Sell Washing Machine/Grill/Books On-Line, Visit Lake/Park/California State Railroad Museum, Clean Out Garage, Install Kitchen Cabinet Handles, Repair Diaper Hamper, Make Toilet-Paper Holder, Clean Truck Interior, Mount Carbon Monoxide Detector, Mount Curtain Rods and Curtains in Kids’ Room, Hang Naomi’s Stars and Brad’s Schedule, Frame 8×10 Photo, Clean Fridge Interior, Take Kids Swimming Every Friday, Get Texting for Brad, Substitute-Teacher Orientation, Apply New Blog Theme, Link Blog to Facebook, Link Blog’s Facebook to Pinterest, Invite Leaders Over


Visit River/Old Sacramento Gold Rush Days, Create Blogging Masterminds Facebook Group, Re-Write English Curriculum, Invite Team Over, Swap Regular/Maternity Clothes in my Dresser, Purchase Tickets for Flight to Maryland in November, Renew Substitute-Teaching License in Maryland, Create Painting for Church, Decipher Substitute-Teaching Documents, Close on Refinance (1st Mortgage), Hang White Board


Decorate for Fall, Attend Church Membership Classes, Attend Women’s Retreat, Find Halloween Costumes, Visit Pumpkin Farm, Prepare for my Family visiting, Visit Fort Bragg, Visit Chandelier Drive-Thru Redwood Tree, Visit Pumpkin Farm, Visit Lake Tahoe, Attempt to fix Oliver’s Dresser Drawer (I finally threw it away), Install Door-Stoppers, Sell Books On-Line, Brown Spot-Painting on Woodwork Around House, Re-Paint Hallway, Paint Birch Tree Murals in Kids’ Room, Hang Clock/Batteries, Take Truck to Mechanic for “Check Engine” Light, Repair Lamp with JBWeld, Hot Glue Broken Butterfly, Wood Glue Broken Bulletin Board, Apply Felt Pads to Bottoms of Chairs, Vacuum Furnace, Start Purchasing Christmas Gifts


Find/Deliver Christmas Gifts, Visit Family in Maryland for Thanksgiving for 2 weeks, Substitute-Teach for 5 days in Maryland, Take Extra Art Supplies to High School Art Teacher, Donate Items, Sell Books on Amazon, Transition Oliver’s Clothes to “New” Dresser, Call/Visit with Maryland friends, Have Mom Cut My Hair, Change Bank Accounts in Maryland, Figure out why my computer hasn’t turned on since Oct. 25, Clean Out Freezer, Sikh Parade, JFK 50, Handel’s Messiah, Chili Cook-Off…



Make Anniversary Plans, Brad’s Father Visiting, Prepare for Annual Christmas Parties (Host or Find Babysitter), Letter to Naomi/Oliver, Find 4 more Christmas Gifts, Find 4 Birthday Gifts, Put Away Fall Decorations, Decorate for Christmas, Get a Christmas Tree, Find a new OB/GYN, Schedule Hospital/Birth-Center Tour, Donate Extra Art Teaching Materials, Substitute-Teach, Create More Detailed Budget, Try Crown Mvelopes

*These items seem to keep getting bumped from month to month: Find New Home-Owner’s Insurance, Investigate Long-Term Plans, Drill Holes for 4 Handles in Bathroom, Spackle/Sand Bathroom, Cover Back of Medicine Cabinet, Paint Inside Bathroom Cabinets/Drawers, Paint Kitchen Cabinets, Install Child Locks, Learn to Use Sewing Machine, Attach Kids’ Dressers to Walls, Babysit/House-sit/Pet-sit, Find Cheaper Auto Insurance, Apricot Preserves, Visit Historical Society/Community Museum/Sacramento Zoo…

Have you created a list of goals for 2012?  I’d love to read an update on your progress in the comments below!

FREE Haircuts for a Family of Four

One of the areas of our budget where we rarely need to spend money is haircuts.  Although we all enjoy a professional wash, dry, cut, & style on occasion, most of the time we don’t pay for our haircuts.  Here is how we do it:

  1. Brad’s Hair: My parents gave me set of Wahl clippers for Christmas 2010.  Brad had been laid-off from his job, and we were desperate to save money in any way possible.  Although I had never cut hair before, I learned quickly!  Brad told me which clipper lengths he preferred, and I learned to do touch-ups with the scissors and clippers.  I have cut Brad’s hair ever since.
  2. My Hair: My Mom has cut my hair since I was in diapers.  With six kids, my parents couldn’t afford to pay for eight haircuts and styles multiple times per year.  My Mom learned how to cut my Dad’s hair, and then learned to cut her kids’ hair.  As we got older and wanted more complex styles, she mastered more advanced hair-cutting techniques.  My Mom still cuts my hair whenever we go home for a visit.  I taught myself to french-braid in 2003, so I often style my hair with braids, or other products/styles.
  3. Naomi’s Hair: I learned how to thin Naomi’s bangs (with my Mom’s help) shortly after I learned to cut Brad’s hair.  Within the year I decided to grow out Naomi’s bangs.  Now I only need to trim the bottom of Naomi’s hair, so I don’t have to cut it as often as I did when she had bangs.  I usually give Naomi a pony-tail on top or pig-tails on the sides to keep her long straight hair out of her face.  Sometimes I experiment with french-braids or other styles, using hairbands and barrettes.
  4. Oliver’s Hair: Oliver’s toddler hair is finer than Brad’s, but most of the same techniques still apply.  I use the clippers and follow-up with the scissors.  The great thing about learning on your children when they are very young is that they are very forgiving!  If you make a mistake, don’t worry…it will grow back!  Work quickly and don’t expect perfection.  You can always go back and touch it up again later.

Have you ever considered cutting your family’s hair?  How do you save on professional hair care costs?

De-Cluttering: Trash It, Sell It, or Donate It

Recently I read Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider, and I really enjoyed it.  I love to purge, simplify, and organize.  I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that keeping a home clean and organized is an endless job–especially when you have children!  I keep our home clear by classifying clutter as “trash,” “sell,” or “donate.”  Here are 12  ways that I keep our home clutter-free:

  1. Trash, Recycling, and Yard Waste: Weekly curbside pick-up.
  2. UCP (United Cerebral Palsy of Sacramento): Monthly curbside pick-up of household items, clothes, etc.
  3. FREE Magazines and extra arts and crafts supplies: Donate to local high school art teacher.
  4. Peace. Love. Swap!: Every other month swap of maternity, baby, and small children’s clothing and other items.
  5. Recycling center: Cash in certain marked recyclables.
  6. Used Book Sale: Donate books to local library’s twice-annual fundraiser.
  7. Amazon: Sell used books on Amazon.
  8. Ebay/Craigslist: Sell smaller (shippable) items on Ebay and larger (unshippable) items on Craigslist.
  9. Goodwill: Donate items to Goodwill.
  10. Second Hand Store: Donate baby items to second hand store.
  11. Friends: Give items to friends.
  12. Church: Donate items to church.

How do you keep your home clutter-free?

Photo Credit

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