Freebie Friday! U by Kotex, TRESemme, Home Educating Family, & More!

Today is our 6th Anniversary, and what better way to celebrate than with freebies!  I’m just kidding of course!  Brad and I are planning our annual “date night” sans the children, which usually means the theatre.  Brad and I love going to the theatre and, in fact, we spent our honeymoon seeing shows in London.  This year we’ll be driving down to Sacramento for dinner and a play.  I can’t wait!

In the meantime, here are a few freebies for you:

  • Magazines: ESPN, Home Educating Family, Entrepreneur
  • $10 of Evercare coupons
  • U by Kotex: Pad & 2 Tampons (& Coupon)
  • TRESemme Shampoo & Conditioner (& Coupon)

Happy last-minute shopping and freebie-finding!

Birthday Pancakes

Last week we celebrated a very special day in our household.  Yes, it was Oliver’s FIRST birthday!  It seems like only yesterday we were speeding through the driving snow and praying we’d make it to the hospital in time.  But, I digress…

To celebrate Oliver’s birthday, I decided to make birthday pancakes.  I’d spotted these birthday cake pancakes on Pinterest and thought they were so cute, and perfect my pint-sized audience.  What can I say, food and bright colors never cease to amaze them.  But again, I digress…

I made Oliver’s birthday pancakes with homemade pancake batter and some red, white, and blue sprinkles leftover from Naomi’s birthday (just after the 4th of July).  I simply shook the sprinkles over the pancakes while they fried in the pan.

Well, let’s just say they were a BIG hit.  I think Naomi believed that she had died and gone to heaven.  She was immensely disappointed when she found out that she had eaten her share of birthday pancakes and could have no more.  In fact, she waited until Oliver was done to look for scraps in his seat.  Anyhow, Oliver was delighted too, as you can see.

Happy 1st Birthday Oliver!

What are some ways that you make birthdays special for your children?

Get Your Home Guest-Ready in 30 Minutes or Less

During the holidays, one of the biggest stresses can be the arrival of guests.  Whether it’s for a play-date or overnight, guests can bring on anxiety!

Here are ten tips for getting your house read in 30 minutes or less, depending on how much you already have done on any given day:

  • Make Your Bed–to put your guests’ coats and purses on it.
  • Pick Up the Bathroom–pick up towels, put the toilet seat down, put the toothbrushes in their holders, and hide the laundry basket.
  • Wash the Dishes–and put them away.
  • Wipe the Surfaces–of your coffee table, table, high chair, counter top, and stove top.
  • Set out Clean Dish Clothes and a Clean Tablecloth
  • Do A Sniff Test–light a candle or spray some air freshener.
  • Push the Toys Together–you can pick them up if you want, but you know the kids are just going to pull them out as you put them away.
  • Dress Your Children–something clean besides their birthday suit is fine, again they will probably just start undressing and messing again as soon as you have them dressed.
  • Put on a Pot of Coffee (or Teapot)–not only does it smell good, but you’ll have something warm to offer your guests.
  • Smile–your attitude, welcoming heart, and patience with your family and guests will be sure to make you the “hostess with the most-ess.”

Finally, disregard everything I just said.  (Well, except that last point).  Forget about impressing them and have a good time.  Relax, and enjoy their visit.  Maybe they will appreciate that you are human too.  Remember that they are coming to visit YOU, not to critique your perfectly appointed home.  Hug your kids, listen to your guests, and laugh at yourself for worrying so much about what your guests will think about your home.  🙂

As children we loved the book, The Relatives Came.  Recently I’ve enjoyed reading it to Naomi & Oliver.  You can read it to your kids in preparation for welcoming or visiting distant relatives, or just for fun!

For more reading on hospitality, I really enjoyed this article by Lisa-Jo, Your House Is Only As Big As Your Hospitality.

How do you prepare for guests in your home?

Toddler Tuesday: 10 Fun Things To Do Outdoors

Toddler Tuesday: 10 Fun Things to Do Outdoors

Unlike our recent winters in China, Minnesota, and Maryland, our family is really enjoying the beautiful California weather!  Yesterday the kids and I played outside in t-shirts, with the warm sun beating down on our backs.  In honor of the gorgeous weather, here are ten things to do outdoors:

  1. Blow bubbles.
  2. Take the kids for a walk in the stroller.
  3. Draw with sidewalk chalk.
  4. Go grocery shopping (or on other errands).
  5. Greet the mail man.
  6. Swing on the swing set.
  7. Tend the garden.
  8. Go to the park.  (Slide, Swing, Spin, See-Saw, Climb, and Bounce!)
  9. Go to the zoo.
  10. Have a picnic.

What do you enjoy doing outdoors with your toddler?

The Money Saving Mom’s Budget: Book Review

If you have followed my blog or facebook over the last couple years, then you know that I am a big fan of Crystal Paine and her website,  So I was thrilled when Crytal offered a free copy of her book to bloggers who were willing to review her new book

The Money Saving Mom’s Budget is a practical guide for spending less and saving more.  Mom blogger Crystal Paine covers the “7 Rules for Financial Success” that have made her blog a household name.  She breaks down her “7 Rules” into a workable 12-month improvement plan, just in time for your 2012 New Year’s resolutions!  Beginning with goal-setting, she proceeds through eliminating excess, and then budgeting tips.  The Money Saving Mom’s Budget is not just about a budget, it’s about a new way of thinking.  This is a resource I will be turning to again and again as my family seeks to eliminate our debts.  The Money Saving Mom’s Budget will be released in January 2012.  You can pre-order it now on!

Freebie Friday! Bath & Body Works, Secret, Tampax, & More

It’s that time of the week again!  We had quite a few freebies waiting for us when we got home from Thanksgiving vacation:


  • Magazines: Wood, Popular Science, Field & Stream, ESPN, L.L. Bean, Horse, Thriving Family, & Baby Talk
  • 2 Checks for Baby Formula
  • 6 Tampons
  • Aveeno Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Head & Shoulders Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Garnier Fructis Shampoo & Conditioner
  • 4 Always Pads
  • 1 Secret Deoderant
  • 2 Truvia
  • Vivo Moisturizing Day Cream
  • Bath & Body Works “Charmed Life” Body Lotion


What freebies did you pick up or find in the mail this week?

How To Survive A Lay-Off

It’s been 15 months since Brad was laid off from his last job, and 3 months since he began his new position here in sunny California.  We haven’t figured it all out, but here are a few things we learned along the way:

  1. Pray.  A lot.  Be Specific.
  2. Be a Team.  This is not the time to criticize one another.
  3. Love your spouse and kids.  Like crazy.
  4. Find Inspiration.  Read your Bible.  Remember Steve Jobs was laid off too.
  5. Interview, interview, interview.  Get a babysitter if necessary.
  6. Do short-term positions to pay the bills.  Use whatever degrees, skills, certifications, and contacts you currently have.  Get creative.
  7. Learn new skills If you’ve coached, try refereeing.  If you write, try blogging.  If you teach, try writing curriculum.
  8. Build up your emergency savings.  Your rainy day is here.
  9. Get Gazelle-Intense.  Get angry at your debts.  Pay off your loans.  Move in with your parents.
  10. Downsize Sell your extra car, unused technology, books, and furniture.
  11. Manage every cost you can.  Search out the cheapest rates, deals, and discounts.  Apply for financial aid in whatever forms you need.
  12. Be Thankful.  There are more blessings around you than you realize.

If you have been through a lay-off, how did you survive?

Cross-Country Holiday Air Travel on a Tight Budget

Cross-country air travel is not exactly cheap these days.  Here is how we were able to afford to fly our family of four home for Thanksgiving on a tight budget:

  1. We asked for help with travel expenses as a Christmas gift.
  2. We made our presence a present.  (We spent our Christmas gift money on airfare.)
  3. Brad & I substitute-taught for 3 of the 12 days we were home.
  4. We bought snacks at the grocery store/CVS before we left so that we wouldn’t buy expensive convenience foods at the airport or elsewhere.
  5. We stayed with family, borrowed a family car, and our parents babysat the kids for free while we were teaching.
  6. We packed light.  We didn’t earn any extra fees by checking luggage.
  7. We bought our tickets for dates that were least expensive.

What are some ways that you have found to save money when you travel for the holidays?

Take the “Date Your Shampoo” Challenge!

One of the ways that you can save money around your home is by using half the recommended amount of laundry detergent, dish soap, or shampoo.

Our friend Dan (who admittedly has very short hair) takes this suggestion one step further.  He uses a permanent marker to label his shampoo bottle with the date (i.e. 12/1/11) when he opens it.  Then he challenges himself to see how long he can make his bottle last!  He boasts about bottles that have lasted months, or more than a year.

Are you up for it?  Take the “Date Your Shampoo” Challenge, and make your shampoo last!

Photo Credit

Freebie Friday! Poise, Megafood, Honeysuckle, and 5-Hour Energy

When I arrived at my parents’ house for Thanksgiving, they had a small pile of freebies forming for me.  Maybe you’ve received some of these freebies too?

  • 5-Hour Energy Drink (Berry)
  • Honeysuckle Breastmilk Storage Bag
  • Honeysuckle Baby Food Storage Bag
  • 4 Poise Pads
  • Megafood Women’s One Daily (10 Tablets)

What freebies came in your mail this week?

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