A Free Fence! (Part 2)


Two weeks ago I mentioned that our neighbors had decided to replace the fence between our yards.  They have been working on the project whenever they can, so it’s been fun to see their progress!


You can see that the new fence should be a lot stronger than the old fence, and the planks are narrower and lighter in color.  In the photo below you can see where the two fences join at the back corner of our lot.


What fun and/or free developments have been taking place around your yard?

July 1, 2013: Dear Evelyn


Dear Evelyn,

Despite having the most difficult pregnancy to date, you are by far our easiest baby.  You are mellow and happy and sleep well.  Your smiles, giggles, and coos make the tougher moments with the older kids easier to bear.  You’re ticklish and love to be snuggled and cuddled.  You smile at everyone, and your deep dimples delight all.  Your hair is so fluffy, with crazy curls and tufts in all directions, that we compare you to “Doc Brown” from Back to the Future.  Unlike Oliver and Naomi, you burp easily each time you nurse and spit-up very little.  This means I don’t have to carry burp clothes everywhere, and you wear the same clothes all day long.  It’s nice have such a neat and clean baby!

You are so mellow, that we often remark that it would be easy to forget you’re around.  By two weeks you were sleeping ten hours a night, and were only up once.  By five weeks you were sleeping seven hours straight!  When you wake up you lay in the bassinet or pack-and-play looking around and smiling.  Your face lights up when someone peeks in at you.  You rarely cry unless you are desperately hungry, tired, or in need of a diaper change.  You usually stop crying as soon as someone picks you up.  You sleep anywhere, even the living room floor.  You also love to lay on your belly, propped up on your elbows.  You are content to watch the world go by, which is easy with two busy siblings zooming around!  They both adore you, and rush to your side whenever you cry.  Now that you can reach for things, they love to hand you things or let you grab their fingers or faces.

Last week you not only turned five months old, but you started scooting across the floor in an almost-crawl!  Where does the time go?  At three and a half months (14 weeks) you started rolling everywhere.  Now there’s no stopping you from reaching what you want if it’s anywhere on the floor near you.  I think you will be our little monkey.  Neither one of our older children has reached these milestones this early.  I predict you’ll be climbing out of the crib and over baby gates in no time at all!  Speaking of which, we packed up your bassinet last week, and moved your pack-and-play into the bedroom with the older kids.  It’s been an adjustment, but I think you’re handling the switch better than they are.  They just can’t get enough of their favorite baby sister!

Evelyn, I often joke that if every baby was as easy as you, the planet would be overpopulated!  You make this whole parenting thing look easy.  Even though your pregnancy and my postpartum surgery have made your arrival the most stressful, you are worth it all.  We are completely in love with you!




Castile Soap


I’ve been reading Simple Mom lately, and experimenting with some of the natural methods she recommends for facial cleanser, shampoo, and conditioner.  I noticed that she recommends Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap, but I was surprised by the cost.  So I went to our local WinCo grocery store to see if I could find something cheaper.  I was really surprised to find Kirk’s Original Coco Castile Soap in a 3-pack for just $3.07.  Now that’s a price I can live with!

Toddler Tuesday: Washing Dishes


Any mother of little ones will tell you that 1) it doesn’t take much to amuse them, and 2) they like your things better than their things.  Case in point: my kids love to wash dishes.  They rush to grab rags, play with bubbles, scoop, pour, scrub, sort, and rinse whatever is in the sink.  They think most chores are for their enjoyment, and washing dishes is no exception.  This is a nice activity to keep them busy while I prepare a meal or work in the kitchen on other things.  After they are “done” I just go back and wash the dishes myself.

What chores do your kids enjoy doing?


Book Review: 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think

I recently finished 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam.  Although Laura’s New York City lifestyle is far different from mine, I was still able to glean lots of good information from this book.

One thing that Laura emphasizes throughout the book is focusing as much of your time as possible on your “core competencies.”  To be effective, she suggests you “outsource, ignore, or minimize everything else.”  As a stay-at-home mom on a limited income, this isn’t always possible for me.  However, there is a lot of truth in focusing on your strengths and eliminating distractions.  For example, she says that if you stop watching TV for 20 hours a week, you’ll free up enough time (1,000 hours) to write a book in a year!  She feels that work that isn’t spent advancing you toward your goals is just wasted time.  She quotes Trista Harris who says, “Just because I can do something doesn’t mean I should be doing something…[it] leads to death by a thousand opportunities.”

Another benefit of focusing on your strengths and doing what you love, is you will be happier, and thus more successful at what you do.  She recommends carving out “time to daydream,” and to ponder “what you’ll do if things go right.”  She says to “think about your time as being worth the billable rate you would like to achieve.”  Laura explains the need for authentic stories, and shares quite a few in her book.  When discussing happiness, she describes one couple who loves what they do, so that makes their frugal lifestyle a lot easier to bear than if they were miserable for 8 hours a day.  She also points out that “a good marriage will give you great energy for achieving success in all parts of your life.”

Laura recommends some great resources to like the “Help A Reporter Out” service which helps reporters to locate people for their pieces (free publicity!).  She recommends FlyLady.net for practical guidance for cleaning your home, and mentions that Salary.com posts calculations on what you’d have to pay a mom for her domestic services.  There is a lot more to Laura’s book than what I’ve mentioned here, so if your life could use some time management, this is a great resource!

What books have you enjoyed reading recently?

The Blogging Masterminds

Every blogger needs her blogging friends, and I would like to tell you a little bit about mine!  These girls are all at various stages in their blogging journey–some are just starting out and others have been blogging for a long time.

  • Small World, Big Girl: I’ve known Laura since we were kids, because she’s my cousin!  Laura writes about infertility, and some of the other struggles she has overcome in the last couple years.
  • A Better Mum: Christie was my RA in college, and lived in China before I did.  She gave me lots of great tips on being pregnant in China and cloth diapering!  Although originally from Australia, she now lives in the good ole USA.
  • Annie Blogging: Annie lived in my college dormitory, and also recently made a big move across the country.  She reflects on her life and kids and cooking.
  • The Frey’s: Brad has known Peter since Brad coached him in soccer as a teenager.  Peter and Mary write about their life as newlyweds, preparing for ministry.
  • Shining Through the Sorrow: I met Meghan through her husband Kyle, who did youth ministry with Brad and I when we were newlyweds.  She began blogging through the pain of losing their son Gabe to Potter’s Syndrome.  Megan is actually overdue with their fourth child, who may be born by the time this post goes live!
  • More Than Enough: Mary and her husband were in the “Young Couples” Sunday School class with Brad and I when we were first married.  After their first two children were born, Mary’s family adopted three more children from Ethiopia.  She is a great source of information on international adoption!
  • A Working Mom’s Life: When I was an art teacher, Christina taught in the classroom next door.  Christina blogs about being a working mom!
  • My Overthinking: Kelly’s dad was my boss in China.  Shortly after we returned from China, Kelly’s family adopted a little girl from an orphanage there.  Kelly is also a great source of information on international adoption!
  • I Don’t Have A Clue But I’m Finding Out: Katherine’s husband was in China at the same time we were, and they were married soon after he returned.  Katherine just finished up grad school, with two kids in tow!
  • Breathe: We met Crystal when she spoke at Young Life camp, when Brad was the Head Leader.  As an English professor and published writer, she is one of the most accomplished writers I know in real life.
  • The Gardner’s Dirt: I met Becca when we moved to California.  She is a very creative gal who runs her own Etsy shop.  She recently moved across the country, where she teaches full-time.  She is full of fun ideas for places to visit and things to do with your kids!
  • Loving My Nest: Jessica and I met at the library one day, and found out that we attended the same church!  She has since moved away, and begun a blog.  As a former Kindergarten teacher, Jessica is a great resource on everything from lesson plans to freezer cooking!

I’d love to get to know you and your blog a little better!  If you are a blogger, please share a little bit about yourself and your blog in the comments section below!

Freebie Friday!


We have all kinds of “free” things growing around our house these days!  Our compost pile has exploded into a gigantic pumpkin patch that gets bigger every day.  Our grape arbor (which only produced two bunches of grapes last year) is covered in grapes.  We’re already harvesting bright red tomatoes from our two tomato plants.  Our plastic tub of carrots is thriving. The new lemon, lime, and orange trees Brad planted this spring look like they will produce a small harvest this year, and our peach tree is doing well too.  Even our roses, sunflowers, geraniums, and other flowering plants are doing well!

I have to give all the credit for any work around our yard to my husband.  He has a green thumb, and everything he touches seems to grow!

Do you have any “free” things growing around your home?


Finding Time to Read


I have to be honest with you, one year ago when I wrote my six goals, I really did not believe that there was enough time in my day for reading.  I especially did not believe that there would be enough time in my day for reading after delivering my third child.

Yet, as of today, I have read 4 e-books, 13 books, and I am halfway finished 3 more books…in 2013.  This just boggles my mind–that I have read almost 20 books in almost 5 months.  Here is how I found the time to read:

  • All three of my kids sleep through the night, and take a good long afternoon nap.  That means I get downtime every day.
  • We don’t own a television.
  • I gave up Facebook for the 40 days of lent.
  • I stopped blogging for a few months.
  • I do things that my kids can participate in (housekeeping chores, outside chores, errands) while they are awake so that I can read while my kids are asleep.
  • I carry a book in my purse when I go to appointments, instead of reading magazines.
  • I read even if I can only read for a few minutes.
  • I read when I’m nursing the baby, or before falling asleep at night.

Do you love to read?  How do you find time in your day for reading?

List of 100 Dreams

I’ve been enjoying the book “168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think” by Laura Vanderkam.  One of Laura’s suggestions in Chapter 2, is to create a list of 100 dreams.  I enjoyed the exercise, and thought you might enjoy a sneak-peek at some of the items on my list:

  • Write and Publish a Book
  • Illustrate a Children’s Book
  • Sing a Solo
  • Raise 6-12 Children
  • Adopt a Child (or more than one child) …Maybe from China?
  • Homeschool our Children
  • Return with Brad to China and England…and to Australia, New Zealand, France, Portugal, Spain, Amsterdam, Scotland, Canada, New Mexico, Mexico…
  • Live to be 100 Years Old (Brad will have to live to be 105 Years Old)
  • Move Back to the East Coast (not right now, but eventually)
  • Get Paid as a Writer and Artist
  • Study Art in Italy
  • Do whatever it takes so that Brad can keep doing Youth Ministry
  • Do whatever it takes so that I can keep being a Stay-At-Home-Mom
  • Be Debt-Free
  • Buy a House in the Country/Woods (with cash)
  • Give Away a lot of Money (far more than our tithe)
  • Paint Murals
  • Read Everything

What would you include on your “List of 100 Dreams”?

Toddler Tuesday: Legos


When my husband was cleaning out his office this past winter, he stumbled on a box marked “Kids Toys.”  He opened it up to find hundreds of Legos inside.  He brought them home, and our kids have loved playing with them ever since.  We keep them in the garage, and then when we want to get a lot of work done, we bring them out again.  They keep the kids busy for hours.  After a few days of cleaning up Legos, they go back in the garage for a few more weeks.  I was really surprised that my kids liked the Legos so much, since I figured they would be more appropriate for older children.  My kids love them though!

What toys will keep your kids preoccupied for hours?


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