Archive for the ‘Fun’ Category

Toddler Tuesday: Orange Tree Painting (Thank You Note)

Recently our next door neighbor, Mr. Parker, showed up at our door with a very large bag full of oranges.  The vast amount of fresh fruit (citrus and otherwise) and vegetables is one of our favorite things about living in Northern California.  I decided that as a thank you, Naomi and I would revisit the […]

My Surprise Birthday & Valentine’s Day Gift

When I recently wrote about how Brad surprised me for my birthday and Valentine’s Day, some of you asked to see photographs of his work.  So here they are! These are the kitchen cabinets he and Roah rehung and repainted: They also rehung and repainted the pantry cabinets behind me, but you can’t see them […]

The Abundant Blog

Dear Readers, Thank you for your patience with me over the past 6 weeks of sabbatical.  For me it has been a welcome time of rest from the Internet.  That is not to say that I was doing much resting otherwise!  I spent a month visiting the East Coast, and then spent the last two […]

Blogging Sabbatical

Dear Readers, As you may, or may not, have noticed…I have not been posting regularly on my blog.  In fact, I have written one blog post in the last month.  There are many reasons for this absence, but most you can probably guess…because the same things are happening in your life too.  I’m just…busy.  I […]

Toddler Tuesday: Entertaining Your Toddler(s) on an Airplane

After all my years of traveling, perhaps I should just start writing a series on “How to Survive” various travel scenarios.  But today, I turn my lens on air travel with your toddler(s).  Whenever you travel by air, safety and obedience to regulations should be your top priority.  But beyond that, here are a few […]

Tithing Through the Hard Times

“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first-fruits of all your produce.”  Proverbs 3:9 When I was a child, my parents decided to give us a weekly allowance.  Five dollars seemed like a lot back then!  But my parents had some stipulations.  A dollar must be placed in a “Savings” envelope, a dollar […]

Book Review: Parenting Isn’t For Cowards–Dealing Confidently With The Frustrations of Child-Rearing

As a new mom, I get a lot of helpful advice and encouragement from reading books about child-rearing.  One of the best-known Christian authors on the subject of child-rearing is Dr. James Dobson.  Parenting Isn’t For Cowards: Dealing Confidently with the Frustrations of Child-Rearing was written in 1987,and based on a study of more than […]

2011 In Review: Top 10 Keyword Searches

Google Analytics is the program I use to analyze the data gathered about my blog.  One of the more humorous aspects of Google Analytics is discovering how readers have found my blog.  Here are the Top 10 Keyword Searches that have brought googlers to “The Abundant Wife”: The Abundant Wife Soda Bottle Stink Bug Trap […]

2011 In Review: Thanks for Reading and Referrals!

As we begin a new year, I just want to say a big “THANK YOU” to my loyal readers.  If it wasn’t for people like you, no one would have ever heard about a 9-month-old blog called “The Abundant Wife”!  It’s so fun to hear from friends and family in my comments or when I’m […]

Toddler Tuesday: Homemade Christmas Cards

One of the ways I often like to personalize things is with a homemade card.  For Christmas, we sent home two large flat-rate boxes filled with wrapped gifts.  Each gift had a free gift tag attached.  Inside each box I also included a homemade card with a short poem inside (written by yours truly).  Since […]

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