Last November I read 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excessby Jen Hatmaker, and I loved it. I highly recommend that you all read it. However, it is not the kind of book one can read without acting on it. Shortly thereafter I was watching The Muppet Christmas Carolwith my kids (a family favorite from my […]
Archive for the ‘Fun’ Category
Handmade by Kayla Holmes

As many of you know, my husband is an Area Director for Young Life. Through Young Life, we have many friends. So when word got out that I was pregnant with our third child, Kayla Holmes asked my husband if she could make me a car seat cover. Kayla asked me to look at her […]
Book Review: Quitter by Jon Acuff

I recently finished Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job & Your Dream Jobby Jon Acuff, and if you couldn’t tell from my last post, I enjoyed it. Since it was a library book, I couldn’t mark it up, so I kept a post-it note nearby to jot down notes. Here were a few […]
7 Ways to Find Inexpensive Books

I love to read. I’ve read 15 books since Thanksgiving, which includes 4 eBooks and 11 regular books. I’m in the middle of reading 3 more books. My idea of the perfect vacation would include lots of time for reading in a peaceful and beautiful location. However, reading can become a very expensive habit if […]
De-Cluttering: Trash It, Sell It, or Donate It

Recently I read Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider, and I really enjoyed it. I love to purge, simplify, and organize. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that keeping a home clean and organized is an endless job–especially when you have children! I keep our home clear by classifying clutter as “trash,” “sell,” or […]
Celebrating & Savoring A Simple Christmas: E-Book Giveaway!

The Book: It has only been 3 weeks since Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom released her 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life e-Book, and today she is releasing another new e-book! Celebrating and Savoring a Simple Christmasbreaks down your biggest holiday frustrations into bite-sized pieces. Crystal begins by creating a budget, and then […]