30 Days of Praying for Your Local High School: Day 6 Scripture

30 Days of Prayer

When Brad and I were doing youth ministry in Maryland, and then later when we taught English in China, our directors had us memorize the “TMS A Packet,” also known as “The Wheel.”  The Wheel comes from the Navigators ministry, and is used to illustrate the balanced life of an obedient Christian.  Today as I walked around the high school, (pushing Oliver in the stroller again) I recited the two scriptures that make up the “Prayer” spoke of The Wheel:

  • “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.”  –John 15:7
  • “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 4:6-7

Romans 10:17 tells us that, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”  In Bible Study Fellowship this week we read that, “The best way to believe the Bible is to expose yourself intentionally and steadily to the Bible.  Take a long look at Jesus Christ…you will find that faith grows within you.”

Scripture can give direction to our prayers; it can also increase our faith and belief in God.  Prayer can ease our anxieties, give us peace, and guard our hearts and minds.   God promises that if we remain in him, and keep his words in us, he will answer our prayers.

What passages of scripture do you have memorized?  Have you tried reading or reciting scripture as part of your prayers?

30 Days of Praying for Your Local High School: Day 5 The Great Artist

High School Population by RaceThis morning I slipped out of the house just before 7am and was greeted by a bright pink sunrise.  The curbs were lined with green, blue, and grey trashcans.  One of our neighbors stuffed some cardboard into her recycling bin, and a couple rode by on bicycles with large baskets on the back holding their personal belongings.  A school bus slowed to pick up some children, and cars backed out of their driveways on the way to work.  I passed our pastor and another man from our church, returning from their early morning exercise with a football under one arm.

Yesterday as I wrote my post for this series, I did a Google image search for our school.  I found the graphic above, showing our high school population by race.  I was not surprised to see that the largest group in our school is Hispanic, followed by white, and then Asian.  Our city has a very large Sikh Indian population, so I imagine that accounts for most of the large Asian population.

So today as I set out to pray, I was impressed with the beauty and diversity of God’s creation.  I marveled at the God who created pink sunrises, and low clouds that brush the mountain tops.  I walked amazed at a God who invented birdsong and green grass, changing seasons, and raindrops.  I was awed by a God who makes each person unique in color, height, weight, personality, language, history, family, ability, and style.  We serve the Great Artist, the most creative mind in all creation.  His palette in unlimited, his imagination is boundless, and his brushstrokes are unmistakable.

The Bible tells us in Luke 19:40 that if Jesus’ disciples were to keep quiet instead of joyfully praising God for his miracles, then the stones would cry out!  I need only look around at the masterpiece of God’s creation to see that the stones do, indeed, cry out in praise.

What marvels of God’s creation did you observe today?

30 Days of Praying for Your Local High School: Day 4 Supplication

30 Days of Prayer

This morning as I got up and dressed, Oliver wandered into our bedroom.  At our house Oliver talks the least, and wakes the earliest.  So I changed his diaper, put a hat, jacket, blanket, gloves, and boots on him, and put him in the stroller.  Once we were outside, I realized he was a little overdressed.  The weather wasn’t as cold as it was last week.  I attempted to take a few photographs today, but gave up when I realized my batteries were dead.  So I just walked and prayed and pushed Oliver.

Today I took in the sites around our campus which are now becoming familiar:

  • Teenage girls passing in a cloud of perfume.
  • The tennis courts, and softball, football, and baseball fields.
  • The Ag Department sign hanging on a chain link fence.
  • The dismantled car near the Auto Education department.
  • The open campus design with dozens of portable classrooms scattered about.
  • Kids sitting in their cars or walking on the sidewalk listening to their mobile devices.
  • The foreign language picnic tables, each painted like the flag representing their country.
  • The large meetinghouse of the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” across the street from the front office.
  • The alternative school just past the baseball fields.
  • The “First Church of Christ, Scientist” and the “Christian Science Reading Room and Bookstore” right behind the alternative school.
  • Hispanic and Indian moms walking their kids to school.
  • Teenage couples holding hands.

Today as I walked in Supplication, I prayed earnestly that the hearts and minds of our high school students would be turned toward Jesus Christ.  There are so many distractions surrounding our young people, and so many things are vying for their attention.  In John 14:6, Jesus says “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  The search for meaning and fulfillment through success, relationships, appearance, academics, athletics, technology, and spirituality will only leave them empty and longing for more.  I pray that our high school students will come to know the truth and life that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

As we begin our second week, what is your prayer for your local high school?

30 Days of Praying for Your Local High School: Day 3 Confession

30 Days of Prayer

Today I got up at around 6:35am and was out by 6:55am.  Have I mentioned that I am NOT a morning person?  I love naps, and I would love to get 8-10 hours of sleep every night.  So willingly getting up before 7am when it’s not absolutely necessary seems a bit crazy to me.  Today in following the ACTS Prayer Model, I moved on to prayers of confession.  As I struggled mentally with getting up and going for the third day in a row, I confessed all the reasons I find not to do what God wants me to do:

  • I’m a homebody.
  • I’m a night owl. 
  • I’m not a morning person.
  • I’m not athletic.
  • I’m shy.
  • It’s dark.
  • It will cost money.
  • I don’t have a second car.
  • I’m stressed.
  • I’m discouraged.
  • It’s dangerous.
  • I’m too busy.
  • I’m afraid.
  • I’m distracted.
  • I have three kids.
  • I’m tired.
  • I don’t have time.

I blame my personality, my lack of discipline, and my lack of commitment on anything that comes to mind.  I procrastinate when I know what God wants me to do.  As the quotation above says, “If something is important to you, you’ll find a way.  If not, you’ll find an excuse.”  I am all too good at finding excuses for not doing God’s will, instead of trying to find a way.

It is so easy to get depressed and discouraged during times of confession.  However, it is good to remember that my sinful self has been crucified with Christ.  I no longer live, but Christ lives in me (Galatians 2:20).  God can transform me by renewing my mind (Romans 12:2).  Remember 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”  Although times of confession are difficult to face, they remind me all over again how great my need is for God in my life.  I am so thankful for his faithfulness and forgiveness for my sins!

As you pray today for your high school students, I hope you will struggle through this time of confession and reap the joy of knowing that your sins have been forgiven.

30 Days of Praying for Your High School: Day 2 Adoration

30 Days of Prayer

Today I got up a few minutes later than yesterday, put on jeans and a jacket and turned on the coffee-maker.  Thank goodness I dressed warmly today, because it was cold!  I warmed up as I walked, and the sun warmed up the air.  I walked the opposite direction around the school today, and saw a number of students out walking, riding bikes, loading onto a bus, and getting dropped off by their parents.

Since yesterday’s prayers focused on Thanksgiving, I decided to do the ACTS prayer model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication).  I think it was my Dad who taught me to pray using this acronym.  So today I went back and began with Adoration.

Today I adored God for:

  • His great power to do more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20-21)
  • His creation of each student (and each of their parents) at our school
  • The beauty of his creation
  • Bringing us to California to lead youth ministry
  • The leaders, committee, teachers, business-owners, and parents who long to share Jesus Christ with our teenagers
  • His amazing forgiveness
  • His redeeming love
  • His heart for the lost

To be honest, today my heart was aching for the brokenness around us.  We are at war, and Satan would love to see us fail.  But we can take heart, because God has already overcome the world (John 16:33).  The battle is already won.  “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)  In God we have peace.  To Him be the glory throughout all generations, for ever and ever!

I again ended my walk with a stop at our local coffee shop.  I gave them some literature about our youth ministry, and asked them if we could hold a Club there.  They were really excited about hosting our Club, so we exchanged numbers and information.  When I was almost home, I met our next door neighbor on the sidewalk and we had a long conversation.  It really is nice to get out and about before the kids are up in the morning!

30 Days of Praying for Your Local High School: Day 1 Thanksgiving

30 Days of Prayer

Today was my first day of praying for our local high school.  I got up around 6:35am and was out of the house by 6:50am.  It was breezy and cool, and I soon wished I’d put on jeans instead of khaki shorts.  I quickly walked the two blocks West, and one block North to our high school.  I crossed at the stop-light, and then stood outside the tennis courts for a moment, before deciding to continue West.  I walked the large rectangle around the campus, passing the front office just at the pre-period bell rang at 7:10am.  I only saw a handful of students this morning.  Brad told me that the pre-period is optional, so I think I was there a little too early for the crowds of students I was expecting.

Today my primary prayer was one of Thanksgiving.  I thanked God for:

  • A country in which we have freedom of religion and the freedom to educate our children as we choose
  • My husband, the leaders, and the committee who are a part of our local youth ministry team
  • Our local public high school and the students within its walls
  • Our home here, so close to the school and the students we love
  • The teachers, coaches, and administrators who work with the students all day long

After praying, I stopped at the coffee shop that serves so many of our high school students every day.  I met Donna & Ray, and sampled an apricot scone and hot chocolate from the menu.  I worked on my Bible Study homework, and when I was done I walked back to the house.  I was back by 8am, and met by the giggles of my two oldest children.  Maybe next time I’ll take some of the kids along for my prayer walk.

How did your first day of praying for your local high school go?

30 Days of Praying for Your Local High School

30 Days of PrayerDid you miss me?

Things have been really busy around here.  We had our Annual Dessert Fundraiser Banquet on Saturday night, our first weekly High School Club of the year on Monday night, and our first monthly Committee Meeting of the year tonight.  Have I mentioned that Brad has been taking an Apologetics class for the last six weeks, and the Final Paper is due next Sunday?  Or that he’s also the Assistant Coach for the Freshmen Football team this year?  Phew!

So our local high school students have been on my mind.

How can we share the gospel of Jesus Christ with disinterested kids?  Specifically, how can I, as a stay-at-home Mom to 3 little kids, share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them?

I can’t teach or coach or attend a club right now.  We only have one car, so I can’t always drive somewhere.

But I can walk.  And I can pray.

And despite my pleas, my children are up bright and early every morning.

So for the next 30 days, I am going to show up at 7am to walk around our local high school (located 3 blocks from our house), and pray for the students within its walls as their day begins.

Will you join me in 30 Days of Praying for Your Local High School?

15 Frugal Activities for Autumn

15 Frugal Activities for Autumn: Cooking, Crafts, Costumes, Decor, & More!

I love Autumn!  I love every season, but there is a special place in my heart for the sights and smells of Autumn.  Here are a few links to my favorite Autumn activities:

1. Create an Autumn Window Collage.

2. Make Leaf Rubbings.

3. Arrange some Inexpensive Autumn Decor.

4. Create 3 Jack-O-Lantern Crafts with your kids.

5. Find some Seasonal Decor.

6. Prepare some yummy Homemade Chocolate Acorns.

7. Paint an Autumn Tree Painting.

8. Play with Glow Sticks in the Bathtub.

9. Cook a Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin.

10. Paint your windows with a DIY Halloween Window Painting.

11. Create a Halloween Costume for a Baby using a Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin.

12. Go Black Friday Shopping at CVS.

13. Prepare some Freezer Cooking for the busy holiday season.

14. Purchase your Airplane Tickets for the Holidays well in advance.

15. Go on a Frugal Field Trip with your family.

What frugal activities does your family like to do in Autumn?

Toddler Tuesday: Hammer Time

I’ve had a pile of curtains laying on the floor in our bedroom since some time in January.  This week I finally got around to hanging them.  Oliver was fascinated by my hammering, so I found him a piece of scrap wood and a few nails.

Oliver Hammer

As you can tell, he was very intent on his work.  I explained to him the difference between nails and screws, and how to use the hammer safely.  He was a very serious student.  He gently hammered each nail, and then showed me how he could use the opposite side of the hammer to remove the nail.

Oliver Hammer

We have often predicted that Oliver will be an architect or builder.  He has always loved to stack nesting blocks, build with legos, line up wooden blocks, create towers, dig in the dirt, and push tractors and trucks.

What activities does your little boy like to do for fun?


Financial Goals Coins

Have you ever heard of a BHAG?  BHAG is an acronym for “Big Hairy Audacious Goal.”  Do you want to know what my BHAG is?

I want to be debt-free by the time Naomi is ready for Kindergarten.

The first time I listed all of our debts in order by amount due, was in March of 2010.  At that time we owed $67,688.23 (excluding our primary mortgage) on 4 different loans.

That was 41 months ago.

Today we owe $15,424.13 on one student loan. 

We’ve paid off $52,264.10 over the last 41 months.

We’ve paid off debt through 4 months on 75% reduced salary, 6 months on 50% salary, adding 2 kids, moving into my parents’ basement, living in 3 states, having 2 surgeries, and more.

Friends, can I tell you how sick & tired I am of being on Baby Step #2?

I want to get on with the rest of the baby steps, like having 3-6 months worth of expenses in savings, funding our retirement, college funding for our kids, paying off our mortgage early, and giving generously.

I don’t feel very gazelle intense when I see that $15,424.13 still looking back at me after 41 months.

But I am so grateful for how far we have come, and how much we have learned along the way.

So that is why I need a BHAG.

Naomi will be old enough to attend Kindergarten in one year.

I think we’re up for the challenge.

I can’t wait to scream, “We’re Debt-Free!”

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