Click here to read “Refinancing? (Part 1)” and “Refinancing? (Part 2)”. If you have been following my Facebook page, then you already know the good news: WE FINISHED REFINANCING OUR HOUSE!!! After much discussion, we decided to go with the 30-year-mortgage, hoping that we can put the extra money each month into paying off our […]
Archive for the ‘Finances’ Category
2012 Goals: September Update

As many of you know, I like to follow Money Saving Mom, and I’ve noticed that every Monday she posts her weekly goals and every month she posts her yearly goals. As you also know, I am a big fan of goal-setting. I’ve learned that one of the best ways to achieve my goals is […]
Paying Off Debt = Pain With A Purpose

When my husband and I got married in 2005, we had $70,000 in student loan debt. We promptly bought a duplex with an 80/20 mortgage for $150,000 and a used truck for $18,000. We had barely been married a year, and we were already looking at $238,000 in debt! Read the rest of my guest post on […]
How I Made $200 in August

As most of you know, being a Stay-At Home Mom is not the most financially lucrative career choice. I find it so much easier to find ways to save money than to make money! So I was pretty happy when I earned $170 in the month of July. I am even more excited to report […]
Celebrating Birthdays on a Budget

Most of the birthdays in Brad’s and my families are during the winter or summer months. This means that we are buying a lot of gifts from June to August and December to February. When you’re trying to “live like no one else,” it can be difficult feeling like you cannot give gifts or throw […]
How Changing My Morning Changed My Whole Day

A few months ago, Crystal did a series of posts on how getting up early could give you more time in your day. I took those posts to heart, and decided to give it a try… Read the rest of my guest post on Money Saving Mom today! photo source
How much money does a blogger make?

One of the questions that I often get, is “How much money do you make blogging?” My usual answer is, “Very little.” Although I have enjoyed my last 16 months of blogging at The Abundant Wife, I would be lying if I said that I am in it for the money. Earlier this week I […]
The Cost of Substitute-Teaching in California

Brad and I both have a professional teaching background, his in math and mine in art. Later we both taught English in China. So it made sense to become substitute-teacher certified each time we moved as a way to earn additional income. We have now become certified in three states: Maryland, Minnesota, and California. Well, […]
Getting to the Wedding (Or How We Raised $1200 in 5 Months): Part 2

If you missed Part 1 of this story, you can find it here. On June 10, 2012 my entire family was present for the wedding of my sister Kristy and her new husband Zach, in Maryland. Kristy and Zach both live in Kansas but they, and most of Zach’s family, made the trip to our […]