Last week I was studying my Swag Bucks home page in hopes of finding a way to earn a few more Swag Bucks. I spotted a Swag Bucks special offer with a reward of 450 Swagbucks just for signing up for a 7-day Free Trial to eMusic. This sounded like a great deal to me […]
Archive for the ‘Making Money’ Category
Guest Post: How To Earn Additional Income

My personal goals in recent years have been to work for myself, create multiple streams of income and pay off debt. It may seem like a lot of work–and in truth, it is. However, I also know that hard work can greatly benefit my family. Thankfully, most of my work is done from home and […]
7 Tips For Turning Your Trash Into Cash

“When my husband and I moved from Maryland to California two months ago, we were surprised to see how small the garbage cans are here. In fact, the “Recycling” can is almost twice as big as the garbage can, and the “Yard Waste” can is even bigger! At first we could not understand how Californians […]
The easiest (or at least the most amusing) $100 we’ve ever made

Way back when Brad and I were newlyweds, we were scrimping and saving…and wait! This sounds all too familiar! Anyhow, I spotted a car seat on the side of the road, with a sign on it reading “FREE.” I told Brad that we should pick it up because, although we didn’t have kids, I knew […]
Earn 1000 Swag Bucks with Netflix!

Today I took advantage of an awesome Swagbucks deal! I started a 1 month free trial with Netflix as a new, first-time US customer. I plan to cancel my new Netflix subscription before I have to pay anything for it. I was able to turn my free subscription into $10 on Amazon by purchasing two […]