It’s never too early to begin teaching your children to honor their father and mother. As their Mommy, I am trying to teach my children to honor their Daddy in lots of little ways. Here are five ideas for honoring Daddy: 1. Do something special “for Daddy” when he is out. Draw him a picture, […]
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category
Toddler Tuesday: DIY Finger Paints

A couple months ago, my friend BeccaG blogged about finger painting with her toddler, and mentioned that you could make your own finger paint. The thought had never occurred to me! Well, since we only have one car, when Brad is out I have to entertain the kids close to home. So I do my […]
Dear Naomi: March 27, 2012

Dear Naomi, As I sat down to write to you, I checked to see when I had last written to you. I was shocked to see it was 8 months ago! I am sorry for waiting so long to write to you. But you already know what a forgetful Mommy I am. Where would I […]
5 Cheap Date Ideas for You and Your Spouse

If you’re anything like Brad and I, you and your spouse are trying to live abundantly on less, without shortchanging your relationship with one another. We all know that dating one’s spouse is healthy for any marriage, but it’s difficult to find the money for dinners, movies, and babysitters on a tight budget. So here […]
Toddler Tuesday: Orange Tree Painting (Thank You Note)

Recently our next door neighbor, Mr. Parker, showed up at our door with a very large bag full of oranges. The vast amount of fresh fruit (citrus and otherwise) and vegetables is one of our favorite things about living in Northern California. I decided that as a thank you, Naomi and I would revisit the […]
Toddler Tuesday: Milk, Food Coloring, & Soap Experiment

One of my greatest resources for Toddler Tuesdays is Pinterest. When I spotted this image, and its simple instructions, I knew Naomi and I had to give it a try. You’ll need: One Toddler, Milk, Food Coloring, Dish Soap, and a Cookie Sheet. Directions: Pour the milk on to the cookie sheet until it covers […]
March 2, 2012: Dear Oliver

Dear Oliver, In one week you will be fifteen months old. Has it really been that long already? It seems like just days ago you were learning to sit up, watching Naomi zoom around you, and wiggling your “spirit fingers.” Now it’s all I can do to keep you out of everything. You can climb […]
Keeping Me Humble: Our Living Room

Just in case you were under the impression that I must have it all together (whatever “it” may be), I thought you might enjoy a sneak peak at my living room this morning. It usually looks something like this by the time the kids go down for their nap each day. Bloggers in general may […]
An Ordinary Fairy Tale

“Sometimes, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.” On February 13, 2012 I stepped out of the airport and into the cool California night. I was excited to see Brad and Naomi again despite my fatigue. We’d been apart for a week while I got acquainted with my new […]