For Mother’s Day this year, I decided to try some of the adorable crafts that I’ve been seeing on Pinterest. I put both kids in aprons, covered the table in newspaper, and painted their hands with acrylic paint. I made three prints of each child’s hand, and some were definitely better looking than others! I used white acrylic paint to touch up the messier spots once the paint was dry.
Why three handprints you ask? Well, there are two grandma’s, and of course I needed to make one to keep for myself!
Oliver’s handprint papers (cardstock, actually) were smaller and messier than Naomi’s, so I decided to make his into bookmarks. I cut out the handprint, cut out a stem, glued them together, and then wrote a quotation on the stem. I also wrote his name, age, and the date on the back. Finally, I had all three bookmarks laminated at Staples for less than $2.50.
Naomi’s handprints were both larger and neater than Oliver’s, so I decided to make hers into a frameable artwork. I used acrylic paints to add a stem and leaves, and then added a quotation, her name, and the date around the flower.
In case you’re wondering, I always sketch a basic plan in pencil before I paint, and I use a pencil and ruler before I write any text. Then I tidy up with an eraser when I’m finished.
We mailed our handprint flowers and our (FREE from Cardstore and Treat!) photo greeting cards to both grandma’s on Tuesday. I know the grandma’s will be delighted to open their special gift.
What special plans do you have for Mother’s Day, for yourself or someone you love?