Archive for the ‘Frugality’ Category

30-Day House Cleaning Challenge: Project #4 Surface Clean the Kids’ Bedroom

Today’s project was Surface Cleaning An Extra Room in the House.  I chose our kids’ bedroom.  It’s raining outside, and we’ve all got colds so we’re all staying inside today.  As soon as I had the baby down for a nap in the Master Bedroom, I dumped out a giant pile of legos, turned on […]

30-Day House Cleaning Challenge: Project #3 Surface Clean the Master Bedroom

Today I tackled Surface Cleaning our Master Bedroom.  I’ve got to say, the idea of cleaning a room in only 20 minutes is hard for me.  Of course my family knows that I can make any project take longer than it should.  Today’s project took me exactly one hour.  Thankfully the kids were busy with […]

30-Day House Cleaning Challenge: Project #2 Vacuum & Clean the Bathroom

So, it’s time to make a confession.  I do not clean my house very often.  I am very organized and everything has a place, but I am not good about cleaning.  I could use the excuse that I have three kids ages 3 and under, but I’ve never been good about cleaning so that excuse […]

30-Day House Cleaning Challenge: Project #1 Straighten the Kitchen & Living Room

Happy April Fools’ Day! Yes, I’m back at the computer, albeit rather reluctantly.  I’ve had a wonderful blogging sabbatical these last 4 months, (and a Facebook sabbatical for the last 6 1/2 weeks) and I have really been wrestling with whether or not I should continue blogging.  There are so many factors, but one of […]

FREE Haircuts for a Family of Four

One of the areas of our budget where we rarely need to spend money is haircuts.  Although we all enjoy a professional wash, dry, cut, & style on occasion, most of the time we don’t pay for our haircuts.  Here is how we do it: Brad’s Hair: My parents gave me set of Wahl clippers […]

De-Cluttering: Trash It, Sell It, or Donate It

Recently I read Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider, and I really enjoyed it.  I love to purge, simplify, and organize.  I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that keeping a home clean and organized is an endless job–especially when you have children!  I keep our home clear by classifying clutter as “trash,” “sell,” or […]

How do you DO it all?

“How do you DO it all?” I have to smile whenever someone asks me this question, because I know that I really don’t “DO it all.”  I think bloggers in general fall under the misconception that we do more than most people, because our lives are posted on the Internet for all to see.  (By […]

Simplifying Dish-Washing

I am the oldest of six children, which means I grew up in a household of eight people.  Eight people translates into piles and piles of dirty dishes at the end of every day, and who likes to do dishes? 1. One of the ways that Brad and I have found to cut down on […]

9 Mini Home Improvements

Two weeks ago Brad went to camp with his high school kids for a week, and I was left alone in the house with the kids.  Of course, as soon as Brad was out of the house I began thinking about what I could get done before he got back!  I had a few home […]

Frugal Organizing Tip: Sort Recipes in Recycled Envelopes

I was recently inspired by the Money Saving Mom’s Budget to get my home organized.  Although anyone who knows me could tell you that I am very organized person, I have my limits.  I’ve moved so many times that I often give the wrong address, state, and zip-code, so you can imagine that some aspects […]

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