Archive for the ‘FREE!’ Category

Freebie Friday: Photomontage

What free stuff have you received recently?

Fun Freebies

We’ve ended up with some fun freebies recently, so I thought you would enjoy seeing what we’d received.  Although I had been interested these items, we did not ask for them.  Various friends offered them to us as their children outgrew them! A baby swing A bassinet A playhouse A swimming pool And a climber! […]

Handmade by Kayla Holmes

As many of you know, my husband is an Area Director for Young Life.  Through Young Life, we have many friends.  So when word got out that I was pregnant with our third child, Kayla Holmes asked my husband if she could make me a car seat cover. Kayla asked me to look at her […]

Freebie Friday! Pampers, Secret, Tide, & Folgers

My freebies have been piling up again, so here’s another glance at my collection!  I’ve been receiving lots of baby freebies recently, thanks to our newest addition! Magazines: Ski, Thriving Family, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Family Fun, Better Homes & Gardens, Parents Tide Pods Pampers Wipes & Diaper Secret Deoderant & Coupons Dawn Dishwashing Liquid Airborne & […]

Freebie Friday! Breathe Right, Cepacol, Tea, & Coffee

When I returned home from Thanksgiving on November 28, I had quite a few freebies waiting for me!  Here they are, in no particular order.  I hope you had a great holiday season with your family too! Magazines: Ski, Parents, All You, Better Homes & Gardens, Entrepreneur, Family Fun, Working Mother Garnier Moisture Rescue Innovative […]

Freebie Friday! Target Beauty Bag, Nivea, Old Orchard, & JCPenney

We are back from Thanksgiving Break which meant I had a LOT of freebies waiting for me when I got home!  I’ll have to wait to show them to you next week though, because I haven’t photographed them yet.  However, I did manage to photograph the freebies below just before we traveled, and I picked […]

The Birch Tree Project (Part 2)

If you missed The Birch Tree Project (Part 1) you can read it here.  After 5 days of painting, and 7 days of having the house in disorder while the furniture and kids were displaced, I was delighted with the finished product! The kids’ room rarely looks this neat!  I had to shut them out […]

The Birch Tree Project (Part 1)

When we moved into our new rental home, one of the first things I hoped to do was paint birch trees on the walls of the kids’ room.  If you’ve explored my Pinterest boards, you probably saw some of my many ideas there.  Life happened though, and other things took priority.  Soon a year had […]

Celebrating & Savoring A Simple Christmas: E-Book Giveaway!

The Book: It has only been 3 weeks since Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom released her 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life e-Book, and today she is releasing another new e-book!  Celebrating and Savoring a Simple Christmasbreaks down your biggest holiday frustrations into bite-sized pieces.  Crystal begins by creating a budget, and then […]

Tiny Prints: 10 FREE Holiday Cards!

Beginning right now through Tuesday 11/13 at 11:59pm PT, anyone, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, even Yankees fans, can get 10 Free Holiday cards from Tiny Prints. Below are all the details. Offer: 10 Free Holiday Cards (A $24.00 value!) Start date: Now End Date: Tuesday, November 13 at 11:59pm PT Promo Code: HOLIDAYCHEER Limitations: Flat cards […]

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