Archive for the ‘Shopping Smart’ Category

Yard Sales 101

When we moved to California, my new friend Lucy remarked that her friend Linda is an excellent Yard Saler.  She suggested that I might want to join them for a little yard-sale adventure.  I thought it sounded like a great idea, so on October 29 Lucy picked me up at 6:15am to drive the 45 […]

My First Craigslist Purchase

I knew this day would come but, with our previous living arrangements and then our big move, I had procrastinated.  It was time to commit.  If you looked at our kids’ room photos from last week, you probably noticed that 2-year-old Naomi was in her crib, and 9-month-old Oliver was in his pack-n-play.  Both children […]

I’m Published!

Yesterday I opened my favorite blog, Money Saving Mom, and saw the title of her most recent article, “How Not to Play the Drugstore Game.”  My first thought was, “Crystal must have liked that article I submitted back in May, and decided to write one of her own.”  But as I glanced through the blog […]

The Drugstore Game Returns

This week I had to make a few purchases at CVS that would cost me $28.78.  I decided to put my new Drugstore Gaming knowledge to the test. I had a $2 CVS gift card that you might remember I received earlier this summer. When I arrived at CVS, I put both kids in the […]

7 Items at Old Navy for $17!

Back in June I bought a $20 voucher to Old Navy for only $10 through the daily deals website called Groupon.  I was hanging onto it in hopes that I would find a great deal! At the end of July, Old Navy had a $4 Sale on lots of there summer items. In addition, Money […]

How to Find Inexpensive Greeting Cards On-line

When I was young, my parents required us to make birthday cards, mother’s day cards, and father’s day cards prior to the appropriate holidays.  My mom is an artist, and she likes encouraging us to be creative whenever possible.  When we were little we really enjoyed this opportunity to show off our artistic and literary […]

The Drugstore Game: Failure & Success

Well, let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. My mom agreed to watch the kids so that I could go shopping.  I had my CVS card, advertisement, notes, and coupons in hand.  However, I forgot my Extra Care Bucks. A fact which I didn’t realize until I reached the register.  I should have just stopped there […]

Drugstore Game: Take 3

Yesterday I walked into CVS with Oliver, and we were prepared with our coupons, our list, our advertisements, and 1 ECB (Extra Care Buck) from my last trip. First, I used my 1 ECB to buy Extra Strength Exedrin (8 ct.).  I spent nothing and got 1 ECB back. Second, I used that 1 ECB […]

Check the Blogs Before You Shop

This morning as I was about to go grocery shopping at Food Lion, I decided to check out Money Saving Mom’s store deals.  (Yes, I know, I should just go ahead and call my blog the “MSM Fan Page.”)  Anyhow, If you go to Store Deals–>Regional Store Deals–>Food Lion, you can find a round-up of […]

Inexpensive Laundry Detergent

A few years ago, Brad and I heard about Advanced Formula Ultra Plus Laundry Detergent.  It’s a high efficiency detergent, requiring less dosage and less waste to recycle.  It has 275 washes for every box.  Unfortunately, it also has a steep price tag: $28.61 per box (including tax).  We’re glad that it lasts so long! […]

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