Archive for the ‘Finances’ Category

How I Made $222 in October!

In July I made $170. In August I made $200. In September I made $221. In October I made $222! Here is how I did it: Amazon Books: Brad cleaned out the garage, and I sold 11 books on Amazon in the past 2 weeks! ($170) Chase Rewards: I cashed out our credit card rewards […]

2012 Goals: October Update

As many of you know, I am a big fan of goal-setting.  I’ve learned that one of the best ways to achieve my goals is to begin by writing them down!  At the beginning of the year I typed up a list of goals, and pinned it to the bulletin board over my desk.  Each […]

How do you DO it all?

“How do you DO it all?” I have to smile whenever someone asks me this question, because I know that I really don’t “DO it all.”  I think bloggers in general fall under the misconception that we do more than most people, because our lives are posted on the Internet for all to see.  (By […]

Peace. Love. Swap!

This Sunday is one of my favorite frugal events to attend: Peace. Love. Swap!  Our local swap meets about once every other month, and is usually hosted by a local business.  Participation in the Swap costs $5, but the fee is waived if you are willing to volunteer during drop-off and clean-up.  Drop-off usually begins […]

21 Days To A More Disciplined Life: Giveaway!

The Book: As most of you know by now, I am a big fan of Crystal Paine at Money Saving Mom.  That is why I am so excited to be announcing the release of Crystal’s newest e-book, 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life today! In November 2011 I joined Crystal in her journey toward […]

How I Made $221 in September, and $224 More Monthly!

In July I made $170. In August I made $200. In September I made $221!  And we increased our income by $224 monthly! Yes, I’m excited that I’m on a roll here, and yes, I’m very pleased with myself.  You can shake your head at me now.  In order to stay optimistic, I have learned […]

Meal-Planning on a Budget: Part 2

On Monday I described how I meal-plan and grocery shop once a week.  Meal-Planning on a budget also requires making inexpensive choices for your meals.  Here are some examples of what I have been cooking recently: Breakfast Oatmeal: I make oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins almost every day of the week.  I haven’t found anything […]

Meal-Planning on a Budget

One of the largest expenses for most families is their grocery bill.  There are lots of ways to cut back on your grocery expenses, and one of those methods is meal-planning. Once a week I gather my grocery list, calendar, and a pen.  Then I take stock of the contents of my pantry, refrigerator, freezer, […]

How to Save on Phone, Internet, & Cable Services

Saving money on Phone, Internet, and Cable services is a common dilemma in the age of technology.  One needs to keep up with the changing times and save money simultaneously.  Here is how our family has resolved these issues: Phone: Ditch the Land Line.  When we got married, Brad and I already had Cell-Phones.  We […]

Refinancing? 10 Tips (Part 4)

Click here to read “Refinancing? (Part 1)”, “Refinancing? (Part 2)”, “Refinancing? (Part 3)”. In the days since we finished refinancing our rental property in Maryland, I have had some time to reflect on the process of refinancing.  I hope that these 10 tips will help you if you are in the process of refinancing your […]

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