In the past 6 months I have sold 46 books on, and been paid $554.68. Part of my earnings on each book is a $3.99 stipend to cover shipping costs. So if I substract $3.99 for each book sold (though most don’t cost that much to mail), then I have earned (about) $371.14 in […]
Archive for the ‘Making Money’ Category
De-Cluttering: Trash It, Sell It, or Donate It

Recently I read Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider, and I really enjoyed it. I love to purge, simplify, and organize. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that keeping a home clean and organized is an endless job–especially when you have children! I keep our home clear by classifying clutter as “trash,” “sell,” or […]
How I Made $222 in October!

In July I made $170. In August I made $200. In September I made $221. In October I made $222! Here is how I did it: Amazon Books: Brad cleaned out the garage, and I sold 11 books on Amazon in the past 2 weeks! ($170) Chase Rewards: I cashed out our credit card rewards […]
How I Made $221 in September, and $224 More Monthly!

In July I made $170. In August I made $200. In September I made $221! And we increased our income by $224 monthly! Yes, I’m excited that I’m on a roll here, and yes, I’m very pleased with myself. You can shake your head at me now. In order to stay optimistic, I have learned […]
How I Made $200 in August

As most of you know, being a Stay-At Home Mom is not the most financially lucrative career choice. I find it so much easier to find ways to save money than to make money! So I was pretty happy when I earned $170 in the month of July. I am even more excited to report […]
How much money does a blogger make?

One of the questions that I often get, is “How much money do you make blogging?” My usual answer is, “Very little.” Although I have enjoyed my last 16 months of blogging at The Abundant Wife, I would be lying if I said that I am in it for the money. Earlier this week I […]
The Cost of Substitute-Teaching in California

Brad and I both have a professional teaching background, his in math and mine in art. Later we both taught English in China. So it made sense to become substitute-teacher certified each time we moved as a way to earn additional income. We have now become certified in three states: Maryland, Minnesota, and California. Well, […]
Getting to the Wedding (Or How We Raised $1200 in 5 Months): Part 2

If you missed Part 1 of this story, you can find it here. On June 10, 2012 my entire family was present for the wedding of my sister Kristy and her new husband Zach, in Maryland. Kristy and Zach both live in Kansas but they, and most of Zach’s family, made the trip to our […]
How I Made $170 In One Month

Today I was surprised to look back over our balance sheet and see that I made $170 in the past month! Although I don’t usually make quite so much, I thought you might like to see some of my multiple streams of income, however small they may be: $96 Blogging: Yes, blogging does occasionally pay! […]
Getting to the Wedding (Or How We’re Trying to Raise $1200 in 5 Months)

If you know a little about me, then you know that I am the oldest of six children. Four girls and two boys, to be exact. My sister Kristy is the fourth child in our family, and the third to get married. Below is a photograph of Kristy, and her fiancee Zach (taken by my […]