My kids make me laugh out loud! It’s not unusual to find me sitting down at the keyboard or searching for a piece of paper to jot down their latest hilarity. Now without further ado, here is some of their humor to brighten your Monday! Last night we were at the home of a friend […]
Archive for the ‘My Children’ Category
Celebrating Easter Traditions
When I was growing up in Maryland, Easter traditions included dyeing hard-boiled eggs, Easter baskets, Easter egg hunts at my grandparents’ house, eating my Grandmom’s Chocolate & Butter Cream Easter Eggs, Easter clothing, family photos (usually in front of a giant yellow forsythia bush), and a big meal at my grandparents’ house. Here in California, […]
July 16, 2013: Dear Oliver
Dear Oliver, Today you, my handsome little man, are 31 months old. It is so fun to see your personality coming out with each passing month. You are sweet and affectionate, shy and sensitive, helpful and mischievous. For a long time, we wondered when you would ever talk. Unlike Naomi, who chattered from Day #1, […]
July 7, 2013: Dear Naomi
Dear Naomi, I can’t believe we are celebrating your fourth birthday already! This week I asked you a few times what you wanted for your birthday. You told me that you wanted “balloons, cupcakes, a doll bed, and a ‘little sweep’ (a broom).” I love how simple your requests are. One night this week I […]
July 1, 2013: Dear Evelyn
Dear Evelyn, Despite having the most difficult pregnancy to date, you are by far our easiest baby. You are mellow and happy and sleep well. Your smiles, giggles, and coos make the tougher moments with the older kids easier to bear. You’re ticklish and love to be snuggled and cuddled. You smile at everyone, and […]
January 21, 2013: Evelyn Grace
Our dearest daughter, Today as I write to you, we have been living and working in California for 16 months. After two dark and difficult years in Minnesota and Maryland, our new life in sunny California has been a time of great blessing and encouragement. California is our Eden, and our town is our Garden. […]
And Baby Makes 5!
On May 17, 2012 Brad and I found out that we are expecting our third child! We are delighted at the prospect of being a family of 5. As many of you already know, we had a miscarriage this past December. So when I found out I was pregnant again, I had many mixed feelings […]
Dear Naomi: July 7, 2012
Dear Naomi, I am really looking forward to spending today and tomorrow celebrating your 3rd birthday with you. Today we will enjoy some of your favorite activities. We will go swimming at the pool and then we will dry off and walk over to the park to climb on the play equipment. We will eat […]