Two doors down from our house is a family that keeps a large kiddie pool filled with water in their driveway. Tonight as we were walking by, they invited us again to come over for a swim. After yet another hot day (it’s been in the triple digits all week), a dip sounded perfect. So […]
Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category
May 16, 2012: Home Sweet Home

When Brad and I chose our home in California, we analyzed every last detail. We looked at dozens of houses. In fact, Brad still boasts (and laughs) at the elaborate spreadsheet that I created detailing all the qualities of each rental home we found on Craigslist or the various realty websites. In the end, Brad […]
Toddler Tuesday: Honoring Daddy

It’s never too early to begin teaching your children to honor their father and mother. As their Mommy, I am trying to teach my children to honor their Daddy in lots of little ways. Here are five ideas for honoring Daddy: 1. Do something special “for Daddy” when he is out. Draw him a picture, […]
5 Cheap Date Ideas for You and Your Spouse

If you’re anything like Brad and I, you and your spouse are trying to live abundantly on less, without shortchanging your relationship with one another. We all know that dating one’s spouse is healthy for any marriage, but it’s difficult to find the money for dinners, movies, and babysitters on a tight budget. So here […]
An Ordinary Fairy Tale

“Sometimes, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.” On February 13, 2012 I stepped out of the airport and into the cool California night. I was excited to see Brad and Naomi again despite my fatigue. We’d been apart for a week while I got acquainted with my new […]
1,000 Day Honeymoon

Dear Friends, Brad and I have been married for almost 1,000 days. 987 to be exact. We’ve had lots of time to think about our marriage. Of course, not as much as some couples. According to some, we’re still in the “honeymoon” phase. We hope we’ll always be there. We like to talk about our […]
50 Ideas to Inspire Your Husband

I recently bookmarked this link from Family Life by Janel Breitenstein. I’ve heard the story at the beginning before, and it always makes me smile. A wife has the power to uplift, encourage, and help her husband to reach his fullest God-given potential. Here are some of my favorite ideas from her list: Send him […]