Just in case you were under the impression that I must have it all together (whatever “it” may be), I thought you might enjoy a sneak peak at my living room this morning. It usually looks something like this by the time the kids go down for their nap each day. Bloggers in general may appear to be people whose homes are always clean and organized, parenting perfect children, and married to perfect people. But beyond the computer screen, you will find we are human people with very normal messy imperfect lives. Like you, we’re just figuring it all out as we go, and doing the best we can. So don’t despair. Make yourself at home. All are welcome here.
Keeping Me Humble: Our Living Room

…but, you are married to a perfect person!
Of course. You’re the humblest person you know!
my couch cusions are always on the floor! i am vowing the next furniture we get will have them attatched!
[…] all day. I take them to the library once a week, I cloth-diaper them, bathe them, read to them, clean up after them, and prepare 3 meals a day for them. I set and clear the table for every meal, wash the […]