It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over


10 days ago I wrote about how I was quitting my blog.  As you can tell from the past week of blog posts, I’m having a difficult time letting go.  For one thing, my husband and parents are encouraging me to keep blogging, even if I can’t do it as often or as well as I would like.  For another thing, I can’t seem to stop taking photos and mentally composing blog posts in my head.  As I began to purge my computer of anything related to my blog I found more pictures and notes that I didn’t want to waste.  I mean, who else will celebrate with me if I read another book, find another freebie, or do another diy project that I found on Pinterest?  So here I sit again, writing on my laptop on the couch while my 3 babies are napping.

So for now, instead of quitting, I will be changing things up a bit.  I will be doing my best to ignore the voices in my head that compare me to other “better” blogs with better Google Analytics, Pinterested images, Photoshopped photographs, Facebook “likes”, income generated from advertisements, and more.  Instead, I will continue to photograph our daily life, and share what is on my heart.  Due to my other responsibilities, my articles may be shorter or less frequent than in the past.  You may have already noticed that my pictures have been smaller, which also saves me time.  I hope to be on the computer less when my children are awake, and more when they are asleep.  This will take better time management on my part, but I think I’m up for the challenge.

Thank you for sticking with this wife, as I attempt to live abundantly.  Thank you for encouraging me when I feel discouraged.


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7 Responses to “It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over”

  1. Laura says:

    I hear you! I blog mostly for my own enjoyment, to feel heard! My audience is not extensive and I have no advertisers. But it helps me appreciate the beauty in my own simple life in a world of photoshopped Pinterest images!

  2. robyn says:

    I love the simplicity of your blog and the feeling of Real life that I get from it! I much prefer that to perfect photos of gorgeous homes and Completed Pintrest projects! Don’t get me wrong , I love Pinterest, but I certainly don’t have alot of time to complete most of them! I have 4 children, ages 9,4,2 and 4 months old . I love your posts on how to save money and budgeting , fun and frugal ideas for kids, as well as the general home making posts. I also love that you are a Christian blogger . I am glad you are going to keep the blogging up but certainly understand if you cant 🙂 Anyhow, just wanted you to know you are doing a great job in my opinion!

  3. Yolanda says:

    Hi Jessica,

    I’m so happy that you’re still blogging. I did read your goodbye letter to your readers. As a busy homeschooling mom of 2, I completely understand. I am VERY selective about what blogs I read (just don’t have the time). Yours is one that I enjoy reading. I wanted to let you know that your blog has been an encouragement to me to enjoy a simple life with those you love.

    • Jessica says:

      Thank you! I’m glad you find it encouraging. I like hearing from readers like you…it makes you seem more real! 🙂

  4. It is quite easy to get discouraged if we try to compare ourselves to others. I know I can feel the same way. Even Crystal, The Money Saving Mom, has written about feeling the same way, so I am sure that it can creep up on anyone.:)

    If you continue to blog I hope you find it encouraging to look back on all the things you have accomplished, done with your children, etc. and treasure these memories. Also, take heart that you have encouraged others!

    All joy to you and your family!

    • Jessica says:

      Thanks for the encouragement! I always try to remind myself that “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Thanks for your encouragement!

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