Archive for the ‘Reading’ Category

FREE Books!

As I was packing for two trips recently, I collected some of the books I was hoping to read.  I love to read!  I love relaxing with a book, and I love learning new things.  I also love finding FREE books!  Among the books above are two books that I borrowed (one from my mom, […]

My Reading List Update: 12 Books in 12 Months

Over the weekend I finished reading Choosing to SEE by Mary Beth Chapman (with Ellen Vaughn).  I have been a long-time fan of Steven Curtis Chapman, and also knew of the tragedy that befell the Chapman family in May 2008.  In fact, when we were in China (2007-2009) we lived in the same town and […]

June 24, 2011: Gratitude

Yesterday, I sat on the front porch swing reading a book, with Oliver sitting beside me.  I twiddled a pencil in my fingers while he gnawed on the fingers of my other hand.  It was warm, but there was a light breeze.  The neighbor across the street mowed his lawn, and white clouds drifted lazily […]

My Reading List Update: 12 Books in 12 Months

Today I finished reading “Dinner with a Perfect Stranger” in one day.  It came highly recommended, but I have to admit I wasn’t overly impressed.  It’s a fast read, only 100 pages.  It tells the story of Nick Cominsky, a businessman invited to a mysterious dinner with Jesus of Nazareth.  The text of the book […]

My Reading List: 12 Books in 12 Months

As many new mothers can attest, there is little time for reading when you have little ones.  So this year I am setting the modest (or ambitious, depending on your perspective) goal of reading 12 books in 12 months.  I have gotten a little behind with the beginning of this blog, but I hope to […]

Your Local Public Library: An Abundance of FREE Stuff

I was recently telling my friend Maria about how some of my favorite books and resources were lost somewhere in our storage shed.  Although I’ve been back to look for them a number of times, I’ve had no luck finding them. That’s when she stated the obvious.  “Why not look for them at the library?” […]

Less is More: Lessons From Our Little Basement Apartment

One of my favorite blogs to follow is  Below is an excerpt from one of my favorite articles by Crystal.  It perfectly describes our life for the past few years! “During those years, we lived in a little basement apartment that only had four windows on one side. I could plug the vacuum cleaner […]

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