Archive for the ‘Shopping Smart’ Category

The Drugstore Game: Take 2

  My parents were in the middle of preparing for their Memorial Day picnic, when my mom realized that she was out of sugar.  I offered to go, bringing along my 5 Extra Care Bucks (ECBs) from my last 2 trips, my weekly CVS advertisement, and a coupon for $2/1 Preparation-H product. Scenario #1: First, […]

How NOT to Play the Drugstore Game

This week my goal was to learn how to play the drugstore game.  Crystal has been doing a video series called “31 Weeks To A Better Grocery Budget” and this week’s topic was “How To Get Started Playing the Drugstore Game.” She described the delight of using rewards programs to purchase items for FREE or […]

Cheap Children’s Clothing

Oliver and Naomi dress to impress.  At any given time, Naomi has more clothing in her drawers than I do, and Oliver could go for three weeks without repeating an outfit.  Yet, I have purchased few, if any outfits for either child.  How do we do it? Hand-Me-Downs: Many of the clothes Naomi wears are […]

How We Save on Big Ticket Items

Every year our respective families approach Brad and I, asking us what we would like for Christmas.  Due to our nomadic lifestyle (5 homes in 5 years), many typical items for a young couple just don’t work for us.  Aside from gifts for our two children, we live with a minimal amount of possessions.  This […]

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