Our Federal, California, and Maryland Tax Refunds arrived! With the money we received, we were able to pay off a significant amount of our student loans. Currently we owe: $15,492.88 to Sallie Mae (4.5 Interest Rate) $107,574.86 to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (4.125 Interest Rate) $123,067.74 Total So we have paid off $10,406.53 since May […]
Archive for the ‘Setting Goals’ Category
Our Financial Goals: Paying Off Debt (March 2013)

Today I sat down for a look at our total debt. Currently we owe: $23,758.77 to Sallie Mae (4.5 Interest Rate) $107,730.38 to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (4.125 Interest Rate) $131,489.15 Total If you do the math, we’ve paid off $758.04 in the last 2 months. Little by little we are making progress on our financial […]
2012 Goals: December Update

So how did your goal-setting going for 2012? December was an overwhelming month for me as I took on way more than I could handle, and ended up burnt out and exhausted. I could not wait for the holidays to be over and things to return to normal. I did accomplish almost everything on my […]
25 Goals for 2013

This may be the first time I have ever written down a list of New Year’s Resolutions or Goals. For me, it always made more sense to do this sort of thing at the beginning of the school year (September 1) rather than the beginning of the calendar year (January 1). However, since I started […]
Our Financial Goals: Paying Off Debt (January 2013)

We’re a week into the new year, so I think it’s time for an update on our financial goals. Currently we owe: $24,053.46 to Sallie Mae (4.5 Interest Rate) $108,193.73 to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (4.125 Interest Rate) $132,247.19 Total If you do the math, we’ve paid off $558.06 in the last 5 months. I […]
2012 Goals: November Update

So how is your goal-setting going for 2012? I’ve learned that one of the best ways to achieve my goals is to begin by writing them down! At the beginning of the year I typed up a list of goals, and pinned it to the bulletin board over my desk. Each month I cross off […]
2012 Goals: October Update

As many of you know, I am a big fan of goal-setting. I’ve learned that one of the best ways to achieve my goals is to begin by writing them down! At the beginning of the year I typed up a list of goals, and pinned it to the bulletin board over my desk. Each […]
How do you DO it all?

“How do you DO it all?” I have to smile whenever someone asks me this question, because I know that I really don’t “DO it all.” I think bloggers in general fall under the misconception that we do more than most people, because our lives are posted on the Internet for all to see. (By […]
21 Days To A More Disciplined Life: Giveaway!

The Book: As most of you know by now, I am a big fan of Crystal Paine at Money Saving Mom. That is why I am so excited to be announcing the release of Crystal’s newest e-book, 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life today! In November 2011 I joined Crystal in her journey toward […]
2012 Goals: September Update

As many of you know, I like to follow Money Saving Mom, and I’ve noticed that every Monday she posts her weekly goals and every month she posts her yearly goals. As you also know, I am a big fan of goal-setting. I’ve learned that one of the best ways to achieve my goals is […]