On April 18, 2011 I received a medical bill for $99.92 from our hospital in Minnesota. It was a bill for services rendered on May 5, 2010. Yes, you read that correctly. The bill arrived almost a full year after the services were rendered. The bill stated that payment needed to be made in full […]
Archive for the ‘Saving Money’ Category
How to Get a Good Deal on Towing Your Car

Are you noticing a theme here? Yes, you are correct. The 10-year-old car that blew a tire two weeks ago, and needed all four dry-rotted tires replaced, needed to be towed this week. It apparently had something to do with a broken shifter cable. Nothing a “little” $200 couldn’t fix. But how were we going […]
How to Get a Good Price for Tires

First, I will issue a disclaimer: I am not an expert on tires. But today I had to find a good deal on tires. Our second car (the one we’ve been thinking of selling for some time now) blew a tire, and the mechanic informed us that the other three were dry-rotted as well. He […]
A Unique Phone Call from Verizon

Today, someone called the house looking for William. Since my husband doesn’t go by that name, I immediately assumed it must be a telemarketer. I reluctantly accepted the phone call, and was soon intrigued. The caller, a representative from Verizon, had noticed that in the past few months we had only used about 200 minutes […]
How to Thin your Toddler’s Bangs

One of the ways I save money is by cutting our family’s hair! Naomi has been my willing (and sometimes unwilling!) guinea pig in this hair-styling journey. She is a typical active toddler, with very straight hair. Her bangs, which I first cut at 14 months, have become too thick and have begun to dominate […]
Refinancing? (Part 1)

I was reading Reader’s Digest this week and saw the following in an article titled, “Cents and Sensibility” by Beth Kobliner: “If you have a mortgage, know the interest rate. And learn if, when, and how it adjusts and whether refinancing makes sense. Consider downsizing to a smaller home, a step that one in five […]