Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Dear Naomi: July 18, 2011

Dear Naomi, Yesterday we celebrated your 2nd birthday with a family party, including the birthdays of “Dad-dad” and “Aunt Kristy.”  You had such a great time!  Before the party, you spotted some wrapped gifts with bows sitting on the hutch.  You took one down and held it in front of you, and said in a […]

How to Brush Your Toddler’s Hair

Despite Naomi’s smooth hair, she does an excellent job at making a sticky mess of it on a daily basis.  No matter how many baths she takes, brushing can be a “hairy” prospect.  She also has very straight hair which hangs right in her eyes unless I pull it back each day.  I was ready […]

1,000 Day Honeymoon

Dear Friends, Brad and I have been married for almost 1,000 days. 987 to be exact. We’ve had lots of time to think about our marriage. Of course, not as much as some couples. According to some, we’re still in the “honeymoon” phase. We hope we’ll always be there. We like to talk about our […]

December 13, 2010: Dear Oliver

“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.  She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”  Luke 2:6-7 Dear Oliver,   Today you are nine days overdue!  I […]

December 11, 2010: Dear Naomi

Dear Naomi,   As you have grown from a tiny infant into a 17-month-old toddler, you have made every day an adventure for your father and me.  Activities that were once mundane are now exciting with you along for the ride!  You are a little sponge, soaking up every word and experience with enthusiasm and […]

December 13, 2010: Naomi Moments

Here are some fun memories from the last 4 months!   September 23, 2010 I went to The Great Frederick Fair this evening with my parents and my brother Josh. It brought back many memories from my childhood. Naomi loved the chickens, rabbits, tractors, and food, though I think the pigs worried her. It was […]

October 7, 2010: Oliver Andrew

Our dearest son, From the autumn of 2007 to the summer of 2009, your father and I lived and taught in Langfang, China, a suburb of Beijing, China in the province of Hebei.  Although we had never dreamed that we would ever live in China, it was an exciting adventure in life and faith for […]

March 7, 2010: Dear Naomi

Dear Naomi, Today you are 8 months old. Can you believe it? Where has the time gone?! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. Now you’re on to your second car seat, taking baths in the big tub, and eating in the high chair! This week we caught you […]

November 1, 2009: Dear Naomi

Dear Naomi, Yesterday as your Dad and I were driving home on Halloween night, we were remembering the annual Halloween Ball in Langfang, China one year ago. It was on that day that I took the test that confirmed we were pregnant, and on that night that we told our team in China that we […]

June 28, 2009: Dear Naomi

Dear Naomi, It is hard to believe that nine months have passed already, and your due date is only two days away! You’ve turned our worlds upside down already, without you even knowing it. Brad and I been students, teachers, professors, coaches, leaders, actors, waiters, camp counselors, artists, and more, but we have never been […]

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