Just in case you were under the impression that I must have it all together (whatever “it” may be), I thought you might enjoy a sneak peak at my living room this morning. It usually looks something like this by the time the kids go down for their nap each day. Bloggers in general may […]
Archive for the ‘Faith’ Category
An Ordinary Fairy Tale

“Sometimes, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.” On February 13, 2012 I stepped out of the airport and into the cool California night. I was excited to see Brad and Naomi again despite my fatigue. We’d been apart for a week while I got acquainted with my new […]
This Crazy, Tragic, Sometimes Almost Magic, Awful, Beautiful Life

I was listening to the radio this morning, and heard the words to this song by Darryl Worley, “I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life.” It seemed to describe this last month perfectly. At first I tried to keep up with my blogging, but then I gave up as the days […]
Happy Thanksgiving!

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures for ever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” –Psalm 100:4-5 We are so grateful to be able to spend Thanksgiving with our families! Above is our annual family […]
Messy Pancakes

Naomi likes to help me cook in the kitchen. In fact, she LOVES to help me cook in the kitchen, and she wants to participate in every aspect of the process. The minute she sees me pulling out pots and pans or gathering ingredients, she runs for a chair, drags it to the counter next […]
California Dreaming

Have you missed reading my posts lately? It’s hard to believe that 4 weeks have already passed since my last post! Our family has been incredibly busy during this time. I sold my car on September 1, taking a crash course in Craigslist, inspections, and car sales. Brad was invited to California for another week, […]
The Abundant Husband: We’re Moving to California!

“‘Come,’ he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.” Matthew 14: 29 Here we go again! Like Peter jumping out of the boat to walk on the water with Jesus, we too are about to take another leap of faith. As this summer […]
Don’t look back

In my daily Bible reading, I’ve been working my way through a list in my Bible entitled “5 Minutes Reading About Women of the Bible.” It’s been interesting as I’ve moved through the scriptures from Eve to Ruth, studying all the women in between. This morning I read about Deborah (Judges 4:1-5:31). Deborah told Barack […]
June 24, 2011: Gratitude

Yesterday, I sat on the front porch swing reading a book, with Oliver sitting beside me. I twiddled a pencil in my fingers while he gnawed on the fingers of my other hand. It was warm, but there was a light breeze. The neighbor across the street mowed his lawn, and white clouds drifted lazily […]