The Abundant Blog

Dear Readers,

Thank you for your patience with me over the past 6 weeks of sabbatical.  For me it has been a welcome time of rest from the Internet.  That is not to say that I was doing much resting otherwise!  I spent a month visiting the East Coast, and then spent the last two weeks adjusting to life on the West Coast again.

One of the things I have been working on is to Start My Day By Eating A Frog.  I know it sounds ridiculous, but it works for me.  I had been procrastinating on some pretty important stuff, and I knew it was time to get it done.  I felt overwhelmed by the amount of tasks I had to do and decided to assign one “dreadful” task to each day.  Well, maybe some were more tedious or time-consuming than dreadful, but I’m sure you know the feeling.

Unfortunately, blogging (and the Internet in general) is one of my favorite ways to procrastinate.  And the more I procrastinated, the more anxious I got because I wasn’t getting things done.  So I stopped enjoying blogging, because it was one more thing to do on my overbooked schedule of procrastination.

To make a long story short, I have gotten a lot of things done.  I’ve been reading The Money Saving Mom’s Budget again, and it has really helped me to review my priorities and goals, and eliminate the clutter in my life.  I do enjoy writing, teaching, and art and hope to continue to make space for these things in my life.

As a result of my sabbatical, I will be writing less, but hopefully with greater depth.  I feel that I cannot continue posting 6-7 days a week and still be fair to my family.  I also hope to bring my family into the blog more, as I write more letters to my children and invite Brad in occasionally for his input.

Thank you for growing and learning with me,


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