When my husband and I got married in 2005, we had $70,000 in student loan debt. We promptly bought a duplex with an 80/20 mortgage for $150,000 and a used truck for $18,000. We had barely been married a year, and we were already looking at $238,000 in debt! Read the rest of my guest post on […]
Archive for the ‘Blogging’ Category
How Changing My Morning Changed My Whole Day

A few months ago, Crystal did a series of posts on how getting up early could give you more time in your day. I took those posts to heart, and decided to give it a try… Read the rest of my guest post on Money Saving Mom today! photo source
How much money does a blogger make?

One of the questions that I often get, is “How much money do you make blogging?” My usual answer is, “Very little.” Although I have enjoyed my last 16 months of blogging at The Abundant Wife, I would be lying if I said that I am in it for the money. Earlier this week I […]
Calvin College Annual Fund

Good morning, and happy Saturday! Today The Abundant Wife is being featured on the Calvin College Annual Fund Facebook page. Check it out! While you’re there, don’t forget to “like” The Abundant Wife Facebook page for more photos and thoughts on living abundantly on less!
The Abundant Blog

Dear Readers, Thank you for your patience with me over the past 6 weeks of sabbatical. For me it has been a welcome time of rest from the Internet. That is not to say that I was doing much resting otherwise! I spent a month visiting the East Coast, and then spent the last two […]
Blogging Sabbatical

Dear Readers, As you may, or may not, have noticed…I have not been posting regularly on my blog. In fact, I have written one blog post in the last month. There are many reasons for this absence, but most you can probably guess…because the same things are happening in your life too. I’m just…busy. I […]
2011 In Review: Top 10 Keyword Searches

Google Analytics is the program I use to analyze the data gathered about my blog. One of the more humorous aspects of Google Analytics is discovering how readers have found my blog. Here are the Top 10 Keyword Searches that have brought googlers to “The Abundant Wife”: The Abundant Wife Soda Bottle Stink Bug Trap […]
2011 In Review: Thanks for Reading and Referrals!

As we begin a new year, I just want to say a big “THANK YOU” to my loyal readers. If it wasn’t for people like you, no one would have ever heard about a 9-month-old blog called “The Abundant Wife”! It’s so fun to hear from friends and family in my comments or when I’m […]
10 Things I Learned From My First Attempt at Freezer Cooking

“I have been following Money Saving Mom® for over a year now, and I have long been curious about the concept of Freezer Cooking. As I was creating my meal plan for this week, I looked on Crystal’s website for some Freezer Cooking Recipes. It was then that I realized that her recipes were not […]
Q & A Wednesday: Do you have a Facebook Page?

Does The Abundant Wife have a Facebook page? Why yes, I do! Please stop by and “like” my page to get the most recent updates right in your Newsfeed! I would love to interact with you on-line! If you have any questions or comments you would like me to address, please contact me at my […]