If you have been following The Abundant Wife for a little while, you may notice that I often rave about my current favorite cookbook, Simply in Season. My mother gave me and all of my sisters a copy of Simply in Season for Christmas a few years ago. As you can see from the cover, […]
Archive for the ‘Food’ Category
Creamy Pesto Pasta

This recipe became an instant favorite at our house when I first tried it this summer. It reminds us of the rich Italian dishes you can order at the Olive Garden. It only has seven ingredients, and it’s quick to prepare. This dish is VERY filling, so we can get two meals out of one […]
Frosted Persimmon Cookies

Last fall Brad gathered, cut, pureed, and froze dozens of Persimmons from a tree in a friend’s yard. I didn’t even know what a Persimmon WAS, let alone how I was supposed to cook it. Thankfully Simply in Season had a recipe for delicious Persimmon Cookies. These are now a fall family favorite, and the […]
Fresh Tomato Soup

This week I was making a number of tomato-based recipes, so I decided to make this recipe too. We’ve only had it once before, but everyone loves it! This recipe would be a great way to use all those fresh tomatoes you’re harvesting from your garden. Fresh Tomato Soup (Simply in Season Cookbook) 8 medium […]
Watermelon Shark Attack!

Monday night was my husband’s first youth “club” of the year, and so they kicked things off with barbecue in our backyard. Brad was already planning on hot dogs, soda, and marshmellows, so I offered to do a fruit dessert. One of my acquaintances had done a shark theme for her son’s birthday party, so […]
Apricot Chicken

When I mentioned on Facebook recently that I was cooking Apricot Chicken and Almond-Parmesan Green Beans, it turned out that a lot of people were interested in the recipes! In the photo above you can see that we ate them together with rice. However you choose to make them, this is now one of my […]
Almond-Parmesan Green Beans

If you haven’t caught on yet, I like recipes that require few ingredients and simple preparations. So here is a new favorite for our family. I’m not crazy about garden-fresh green beans, but Brad and Naomi love them, so I make this recipe especially for them! Almond-Parmesan Green Beans (Simply in Season) 1 pound / […]
Our Compost Garden

When we first moved into our house, it had three separate compost piles in the backyard. Brad cleared away two of those piles, but we kept one. We don’t do anything fancy. We just dump our organic leftovers in a pile. At one point, I decided that the pile was getting unsightly, and turned the […]
Crockpot Chicken Tacos

Recently I was looking for some summer crockpot recipes because our house is hottest during the late afternoon hours when I am cooking dinner. Cooking in the crockpot keeps me out of the kitchen during that time of day, and keeps the house cool. I found this recipe on Pinterest, from a website called Chocolate […]
Fresh Tomato & Basil Pasta

For the past few weeks I’ve been cooking from the Simply in Season cookbook again, and enjoying many delicious recipes! This is one we just tried, and loved! It reminded Brad and I of a recipe his mother used to make every summer when we would come to visit. It’s so easy and it only […]