When my husband and I got married in 2005, we had $70,000 in student loan debt. We promptly bought a duplex with an 80/20 mortgage for $150,000 and a used truck for $18,000. We had barely been married a year, and we were already looking at $238,000 in debt! Read the rest of my guest post on […]
Archive for the ‘Setting Goals’ Category
How Changing My Morning Changed My Whole Day

A few months ago, Crystal did a series of posts on how getting up early could give you more time in your day. I took those posts to heart, and decided to give it a try… Read the rest of my guest post on Money Saving Mom today! photo source
Our Financial Goals: Paying Off Debt (July 2012)

I wish every financial update were as exciting as our May update! Our Debt Snowball has reached its slowest point yet. We are down to our two largest debts: our largest student loan and our mortgage. Currently we owe: $26,142.59 to Sallie Mae (4.5 Interest Rate) $106,659.66 to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (6.25 Interest Rate) […]
June 15-July 15: Six Goals

Some people like to set goals on the first of the year, or the first of the month. Since I am cautious and thoughtful (or am I just an indecisive procrastinator?) my newest goal-setting experiment began on June 15. I chose six goals, believing that these were areas in my life that were “important, but […]
Our Financial Goals: Paying Off Debt (May 2012)

This week we have much to celebrate! If you look at the numbers below, you will notice one large number is absent. Brad and I paid off the second mortgage on our “Rental Property” in Maryland! Our tax refunds arrived, and we promptly paid off our debt to Citimortgage. Now we only have one student […]
Our Financial Goals: Paying Off Debt (March 2012)

The tagline of this website is “Living Abundantly on Less” and one of the reasons for that tagline is that we have debt. Currently we owe: $25,480.68 to Sallie Mae (4.5 Interest Rate) $9,913.95 to Citimortgage (7.78 Interest Rate) $107,371.45 to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (6.25 Interest Rate) (According to Zestimate, our house in Maryland […]
Our Financial Goals: Paying Off Debt (November 2011)

It has been almost 5 months since my last financial update, so I thought it was time for another venture into our family finances. The tagline of this website is “Living Abundantly on Less” and one of the reasons for that tagline is that we have debt. Currently we owe: $26,161.68 to Sallie Mae (4.5 […]
Frumps to Pumps: The Get Dressed Challenge! Week 4

For the last 28 days I have been participating in “The Get Dressed Challenge: Frumps to Pumps!” hosted by Sarah Mae at Like A Warm Cup of Coffee. As I am coming into the home stretch, I can tell you that it has been nothing like what I hoped it would be, and everything I […]
Frumps to Pumps: The Get-Dressed Challenge! Week 3

In all honesty, I fell off the wagon this week. Like Sarah Mae, I came down with a 24-hour head cold. The kids had it first, so I knew I’d get it next. I dragged around all day Tuesday feeling worse and worse. I tried napping but struggled to get any decent sleep with the […]
Frumps to Pumps: The Get Dressed Challenge! Week 2

Today is Day 12 of Frumps to Pumps! As with most resolutions, I’ve had my more and less successful days. Some days I’ve run for the shower at the first cries from Oliver, or when Naomi wanders into our room. Other mornings I’ve successfully showered, dressed, had quiet-time, and even gotten a few other things […]