Freebie Friday!

Freebie Friday @ The Abundant Wife

Thank goodness it’s Friday!  It’s been awhile since I shared a “Freebie Friday” image, so I thought I’d share this one from back in November.  Suffice to say, most of the freebies in the photos have been used up by now!  As usual, most of my freebies come from following Crystal at Money Saving Mom.  As you can see I receive free magazines, coffee, make-up, stationary, shampoo, conditioner, books, perfume, calendars, coupons, and more in my mailbox!  If you’ve never tried requesting free samples, I highly recommend it.  It makes going to the mailbox an adventure every day!

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One Response to “Freebie Friday!”

  1. Alison says:

    Could you share how you get all of the free toiletries?

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