Free Sod!

Somtimes God surprises us with the things we need or want, before we even think to ask!


Last week, a friend posted on Facebook that she needed to find a home for 30 extra pieces of sod.  She and her husband had ordered too much, and it needed to be used immediately or else it would die.


I called Brad, and after a brief discussion, we decided to accept the extra sod.  Brad placed it on a portion of our yard that has always been dirt and dead grass.  IMG_2508

Although it’s currently obvious where the sod ends and the dirt begins, we’re hoping we can get some grass growing around it so that it will blend in better with the rest of the yard.  Even if it doesn’t, we are happy to finally have a grassy patch in our backyard!

How has God surprised you by providing for your needs or wants this week?

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3 Responses to “Free Sod!”

  1. Yolanda says:

    That is wonderful!I love it when God surprises us. It’s been a challenging week where one thing breaks down, then another, then another.However, I’m choosing to walk in His Light so that I too may know the joyful sound! (Psalm 89:15). Enjoy the grass!

  2. Jessica says:

    Blessed be God! That is wonderful! It looks great.

  3. Deborah says:


    We just installed some sod this morning and have some leftover as well. I believe it is about 15 rolled pieces and a couple of scraps.

    I would love to find a good home for it – it is free to a good home and to the person who can come pick it up.

    Please call me at 707-525-9514 if anyone is interested. It is beautiful stuff. My boyfriend ordered too much as well.

    May God bless you all.


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