Archive for the ‘Reading’ Category

Book Review: Secrets to a Happy Life by Bill Giovanetti

Secrets to a Happy Life: Finding Satisfaction in Any Situationby Bill Giovanetti uses the life of Joseph as an example of how to find the secrets to happiness.  For example, one of the things that made Joseph happy was that he saw himself as a pilgrim.  In other words, he held on to all things […]

Book Review: 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think

I recently finished 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam.  Although Laura’s New York City lifestyle is far different from mine, I was still able to glean lots of good information from this book. One thing that Laura emphasizes throughout the book is focusing as much of your time as […]

Finding Time to Read

I have to be honest with you, one year ago when I wrote my six goals, I really did not believe that there was enough time in my day for reading.  I especially did not believe that there would be enough time in my day for reading after delivering my third child. Yet, as of […]

List of 100 Dreams

I’ve been enjoying the book “168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think” by Laura Vanderkam.  One of Laura’s suggestions in Chapter 2, is to create a list of 100 dreams.  I enjoyed the exercise, and thought you might enjoy a sneak-peek at some of the items on my list: Write and Publish a […]

Follow Me on Twitter!

Yesterday I decided to join the rest of modern civilization in opening a Twitter account!  If you’re into social networking, you can also find me on Facebook and Pinterest.  Of course, Twitter suggested I “follow” some other folks, so I added some of my favorite bloggers and writers to my list (or at least those […]

How To Be Generous When You’re Just Scraping By

Last November I read 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excessby Jen Hatmaker, and I loved it.  I highly recommend that you all read it.  However, it is not the kind of book one can read without acting on it.  Shortly thereafter I was watching The Muppet Christmas Carolwith my kids (a family favorite from my […]

Book Review: Quitter by Jon Acuff

I recently finished Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job & Your Dream Jobby Jon Acuff, and if you couldn’t tell from my last post, I enjoyed it.  Since it was a library book, I couldn’t mark it up, so I kept a post-it note nearby to jot down notes.  Here were a few […]

7 Ways to Find Inexpensive Books

I love to read.  I’ve read 15 books since Thanksgiving, which includes 4 eBooks and 11 regular books.  I’m in the middle of reading 3 more books.  My idea of the perfect vacation would include lots of time for reading in a peaceful and beautiful location.  However, reading can become a very expensive habit if […]

Celebrating & Savoring A Simple Christmas: E-Book Giveaway!

The Book: It has only been 3 weeks since Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom released her 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life e-Book, and today she is releasing another new e-book!  Celebrating and Savoring a Simple Christmasbreaks down your biggest holiday frustrations into bite-sized pieces.  Crystal begins by creating a budget, and then […]

Book Review: Belly Laughs, Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff About Money, & Organized Simplicity

Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy: When I picked this book up at the local library’s Used Book Sale, I had no idea who Jenny McCarthy was.  Had I known, perhaps I could have saved myself the trouble!  I do NOT recommend this book to Moms, expecting or otherwise.  McCarthy makes pregnancy sound terrible and terrifying, […]

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