Archive for the ‘Reading’ Category

Book Review: 9 Books in 9 Weeks

Thanks to my 6 goals on June 15, I have now finished 9 books in 9 weeks!  Between Friday June 15 and Friday August 17, I read some books cover to cover, and read others that I had begun but never finished.  In the year 2012 then, I have finished 12 books total.  As further […]

8 Financial Books for Beginners

During the winter of 2010, we lived in a tiny upstairs apartment in Minnesota.  Brad had to go to Colorado for 3 weeks for training, and I was left alone with 6-month-old Naomi to run our home and pay our bills.  Up until then, Brad had always managed our bills.  He taught math, and I […]

Book Review: 6 Books in 6 Weeks

I am not a person who likes to leave something incomplete, or commit to a project that I cannot finish.  So you can understand that I have been bothered by the fact that I have been accumulating a small collection of half-read books on my shelves.  Due to my success in reading over the last […]

Book Review: 3 Books in 3 Weeks

Recently I wrote about my delight in achieving the six goals I had set for myself from June 15-July 15.  One of those goals was to read a portion of a book each morning after reading my Bible and writing in my journal.  I suffer from an addiction to books though, so once I began […]

Book Review: Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America

A year and a half ago, my husband Brad was laid off from his job in Minnesota.  We had only lived in Minnesota for a year, so we had no other job prospects in the area or history of family, friends, and church to support us.  So we reluctantly packed up our apartment and storage […]

Book Review: Parenting Isn’t For Cowards–Dealing Confidently With The Frustrations of Child-Rearing

As a new mom, I get a lot of helpful advice and encouragement from reading books about child-rearing.  One of the best-known Christian authors on the subject of child-rearing is Dr. James Dobson.  Parenting Isn’t For Cowards: Dealing Confidently with the Frustrations of Child-Rearing was written in 1987,and based on a study of more than […]

Frugal Decorating Tip: Display Seasonal Library Books

If you are like me and looking to decorate your home inexpensively for each season, one way you can do that is with library books.  When we go to the library for story-time, I always try to check out books that have to do with upcoming events or seasons of interest to our kids. We […]

The Money Saving Mom’s Budget: Book Review

If you have followed my blog or facebook over the last couple years, then you know that I am a big fan of Crystal Paine and her website,  So I was thrilled when Crytal offered a free copy of her book to bloggers who were willing to review her new book!  The Money Saving […]

Q & A Wednesday: What can I do with all these free magazines?

After reading my Freebie Friday! posts, you’re all starting to wonder: What does she do with all of those free magazines?  Does she really read all of them? First of all, as a former art teacher, I never pass up free magazines unless they have inappropriate pictures in them.  You can do all kinds of […]

Simply in Season: Acorn Squash with Sausage Stuffing

One of my favorite cookbooks is called Simply in Season: Recipes that celebrate fresh, local foods in the spirit of More-with-Less (compiled by Mary Beth Lind and Cathleen Hockman-Wert).  I love that it encourages readers to purchase locally-grown foods when they are in season, decreasing food costs and waste while increasing healthy diets and support […]

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