Archive for the ‘Entertainment’ Category

Watermelon Shark Attack!

Monday night was my husband’s first youth “club” of the year, and so they kicked things off with barbecue in our backyard.  Brad was already planning on hot dogs, soda, and marshmellows, so I offered to do a fruit dessert.  One of my acquaintances had done a shark theme for her son’s birthday party, so […]

Toddler Tuesday: California State Railroad Museum

On August 20, we packed up our kids for a big adventure!  We drove down to Sacramento in hopes of riding the train that departs from the California State Railroad Museum.  I had heard about the train and train museum from my friend BeccaG! Naomi brought two of her favorite books along for ride, The […]

5 Cheap Date Ideas for You and Your Spouse

If you’re anything like Brad and I, you and your spouse are trying to live abundantly on less, without shortchanging your relationship with one another.  We all know that dating one’s spouse is healthy for any marriage, but it’s difficult to find the money for dinners, movies, and babysitters on a tight budget.  So here […]

Decorating For Christmas On A Tight Budget

One of the sad parts about Christmas is that after the holiday is over, the decorations must come down.  I love decorating, but I can never justify spending a lot of money on decorations since they spend most of the year in a box.  So here are a few frugal decorating choices I made: I […]

Get Your Home Guest-Ready in 30 Minutes or Less

During the holidays, one of the biggest stresses can be the arrival of guests.  Whether it’s for a play-date or overnight, guests can bring on anxiety! Here are ten tips for getting your house read in 30 minutes or less, depending on how much you already have done on any given day: Make Your Bed–to […]

Q&A Wednesday: How can I find FREE activities in my town?

There are many ways to find free or inexpensive activities to do in any town.  Whether you live in a big city, or in the middle of nowhere, there are free things to do.  Here are a few suggestions for where to start looking: The Newspaper: Check out the community pages or classifieds (and sometimes […]

A Frightfully Frugal Halloween

On Saturday evening our family got dressed-up for Trunk-Or-Treat at a local church.  As usual, we tried our best to find creative ways to save money for the holiday. Naomi’s Cinderella Costume: Naomi’s dress was hand-me-down from another family, and the same dress she wore last year.  I bought a $0.25 tiara at a yard-sale […]

Freebie Friday: Shutterfly Holiday Cards House Party!

Since we’ve moved I haven’t had many freebies to share, but today I was chosen to host a Shutterfly Holiday Card House Party!  I love House Party because it gives me a reason to have friends over, and it gives me lots of free stuff to use and share!

FREE Night at the Carnival

On Tuesday night, Brad was out running 17 miles (yes, my husband trains for marathons year-round) after work so I joined my parents and siblings at the town carnival for the evening.  The nice thing about the carnival is, you don’t have to pay for admission unless you ride the rides!  My kids are still […]

Our 4th of July Stay-cation

Last week Brad and I were making plans to attend Creation 2011 in Mount Union, Pennsylvania.  After some more research though, we realized that the cost of tickets, food, and gas to get there would cost us at least $250-$300.  (Creation is much less expensive if you plan further in advance…and much easier if your […]

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