Our Financial Goals: Paying Off Debt (July 2015)

Our Financial Goals: Paying Off DebtPhoto Credit

When Brad and I got married in December 2005, we had $70,000 in student loan debt between us.  Then we bought a house with two mortgages for $150,000 and a used truck for $18,000, for a grand total of $238,000 in debt.  We learned about Dave Ramsey‘s methods in early 2010, and began snowballing our debts.  On March 29, 2015 we paid off our last student loan!!!  We are now DEBT FREE with the exception of one mortgage (only $103,000 to go).  In 9 1/2 years of marriage, we have paid off more than $135,000 in debt!  We have learned so much, and been inspired and helped by so many wonderful people.  We weathered a job loss, moved 6 times in 6 years, and added 3 kids.  God has been so gracious in providing for our every need along the way.  If this stay-at-home-mom and her husband in full-time youth ministry can achieve debt freedom, then you can too!

I just want to take a moment to say THANK YOU so much for being a part of my debt freedom community.  We became debt free almost exactly 4 years from the date I started this blog.  Thank you for all of your kind words, encouragement, and accountability through all the ups and downs along the way.  You have been a bright spot for me in a long and (at times) difficult journey, and that has meant so much to me!

Bumpass Hell at Lassen Volcanic National Park, July 2015

Bumpass Hell at Lassen Volcanic National Park, July 2015

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2 Responses to “Our Financial Goals: Paying Off Debt (July 2015)”

  1. Sheila says:

    i love hearing updates like this. Congratulations!

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