Guest Post: Making Grocery Shopping More Affordable

You can cut out a lot of different items when you’re trying to reign in your spending habits. One thing that can never get thrown out though? Grocery shopping. You and your family will always need to eat and while grocery shopping is expensive it sure beats eating out at restaurants every night. However that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to high grocery bills each week – there are ways that you can still save on your grocery bill while feeding your family delicious, healthy meals.

1.      Scour the internet for coupons

There are tons of websites dedicated to finding coupons for every grocery store under the sun, so use them! Coupons are an easy way to lower your grocery bill, and while a $0.25 off coupon may not seem like a lot when you tally up several $0.25, $0.50, and even $1.50 off coupons you end up saving a nice chunk of change at the checkout line.

 2.      Look for quick sale items

Almost every grocery store will have a section (or sections) that feature items that need to be sold quickly because they’re reaching their expiration date. These items usually range anywhere from 30-75% off, meaning you save a ton of money on good food. If it’s not something you think you’ll use right away then freeze it to keep it good for when you do decide to use it.

3.      Shop the ads

Most grocery stores will send out flyers each week, both in the mail and online, that tell you which items they’re featuring as sale items for the week. Coordinating your shopping list with these items allows you to buy a variety of things for a fraction of their normal cost.

4.      Stack coupons

A lot of people don’t realize that, unless otherwise specified on the coupon, you can stack multiple coupons for the same item. You can end up purchasing items for pennies on the dollar this way; all you have to do is check ahead of time.

 5.      Meal plan

Instead of going to the grocery store with a list of random items to restock your pantry and fridge take some time one day a week to plan out a few specific meals that correspond with the grocery stores current sales and the coupons that you have. This way everything you’re buying has a purpose and is something you can save money on. Plus you won’t have to worry about trying to figure out what to make for dinner each night!

Your bank account doesn’t have to take a big hit every time you visit the grocery store. In fact, you can end up saving a bundle of money by using some (or all!) of these simple tricks each time you go. How do you save money while grocery shopping?


Laura Backes enjoys writing about all kinds of subjects and is a freelance writer for DSL Service Providers.  You can reach her at:


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