30 Days of Praying for Your Local High School: Day 5 The Great Artist

High School Population by RaceThis morning I slipped out of the house just before 7am and was greeted by a bright pink sunrise.  The curbs were lined with green, blue, and grey trashcans.  One of our neighbors stuffed some cardboard into her recycling bin, and a couple rode by on bicycles with large baskets on the back holding their personal belongings.  A school bus slowed to pick up some children, and cars backed out of their driveways on the way to work.  I passed our pastor and another man from our church, returning from their early morning exercise with a football under one arm.

Yesterday as I wrote my post for this series, I did a Google image search for our school.  I found the graphic above, showing our high school population by race.  I was not surprised to see that the largest group in our school is Hispanic, followed by white, and then Asian.  Our city has a very large Sikh Indian population, so I imagine that accounts for most of the large Asian population.

So today as I set out to pray, I was impressed with the beauty and diversity of God’s creation.  I marveled at the God who created pink sunrises, and low clouds that brush the mountain tops.  I walked amazed at a God who invented birdsong and green grass, changing seasons, and raindrops.  I was awed by a God who makes each person unique in color, height, weight, personality, language, history, family, ability, and style.  We serve the Great Artist, the most creative mind in all creation.  His palette in unlimited, his imagination is boundless, and his brushstrokes are unmistakable.

The Bible tells us in Luke 19:40 that if Jesus’ disciples were to keep quiet instead of joyfully praising God for his miracles, then the stones would cry out!  I need only look around at the masterpiece of God’s creation to see that the stones do, indeed, cry out in praise.

What marvels of God’s creation did you observe today?

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