2011 In Review: Thanks for Reading and Referrals!

As we begin a new year, I just want to say a big “THANK YOU” to my loyal readers.  If it wasn’t for people like you, no one would have ever heard about a 9-month-old blog called “The Abundant Wife”!  It’s so fun to hear from friends and family in my comments or when I’m out and about, regarding something they enjoyed here.  So thank you again for stopping by, and sticking around.  🙂

Second, I want to say a big “THANK YOU” to my Top 10 Referral Sites.  Thanks to you, people I have never met before have found my blog!  I encourage my readers to check out these websites, as they touch on many topics similar to those found here.  Without further ado, my Top 10!

  1. Money Saving Mom
  2. Facebook
  3. Swagbucks
  4. Smockity Frocks
  5. Tight Wad in Utah
  6. Pinterest
  7. We Are That Family
  8. Like A Warm Cup of Coffee
  9. The Thrifty Mama
  10. Blogging with Amy

Thanks again for your encouragement and support of this “Abundant Wife”!

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